"In future versions of Mathcad, first year maintenance benefits and entitlements (including bug fixes) will be included – whether you are purchasing a new license or upgrading from an older version. After the first year, customers will have the option of continuing with their maintenance benefits." Mona, I know you are only the messenger. Please have the powers that be consider the following:
Everyone gets bug fixes PTC opens up certain "extras" to enterprise users via node locks etc.
PTC retains revenue from enterprise users and EVERYONE gets bug fixes If I purchased version 14 in 2007, I would never have access to M020 or above. If I purchase version 14 today, I would expect at least one "bug" release update for my purchase. This is doubly important as people "upgrade" to Windows 7 as no version of Mathcad is set up to run under that environment. A "bug" release fix to get everything to run under XP through Windows 7 should be a minimum.