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is there anyone running a Mathcad license sever on a linux machine?
I could get linux files: lmgrd, lmutil and ptc_d
but could not get or create the license.dat
Has anybody managed to do this?
If there is no way to create a linux-license-file, I have to make a windows-machine act as a licanse server 😞
Best regards and thanks in advance,
Guido Harneit
(Sorry if this is off topic, but I couldn't find a licensing group)
So you already managed to get a Linux version of the flexLM server? When we where in that situation we where not able to download it anywhere as of the necessary ptc/mathcad demon but contacting PTC support solved the problem - they sent us the necessary Linux version of the felxLM.
The license.dat is the same you would use for a Windows FlexLM server. There is no special Linux version of license files.
so this is my problem.
I have the binaries, but I can't get a key.
In "my account" I can see, that I'm NOT a license manager,
and all the software to activate the license or make a license key is for windows machines only.
If I run the recommended license management tool on a (another) windows machine,
I am only allowed to get a key for that (wrong) host - no chance to change the MAC-address.
So how did you get your license.dat file?
Thanks and best regards,
Again, there are no special Linux or Windows license files.
The file license.dat is a normal text file and either is sent to you by mail or you can manage your licenses online
( yourself and create a license file suitable to the MAC address of your Linux host. If you are not entitled to manage your licenses online, someone else in your company should be. I think that he can entitle you or otherwise you will have to contact PTC licensing support.
now knowing the right way to solve this problem I think we should close this thread.
(this time, using the frist link I receive an "insufficent rights" message,
using the second they tell me to ask my supervisor,
well, the supervisor was the one I asked at first, and I think he can help me in middle of august, hopefully.)
best regards,
Guido Harneit
Can you share the URL to download FlexLM binaries for Linux?