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I am using Mathcad Prime 7, paid version and i want to copy and paste text and math into Word.
I have tried simply selecting the items and copying them, however they don't look good, some text falls off as the text boxes seem to shrink both lengthwise and heightwise as shown here in the screenshot. As i have loads of pages to import, i don't want to check and enlarge each textbox individually.
I would like to know how to fix this without having to result to making screenshots, exporting to PDF etc etc..
Thank you!
Hi can you upload your mathcad worksheet as Prime 9 seems to work OK>
Try opening your text boxes (in Mathcad) up to the right so that there is white space. It looks like the font is getting converted to something that doesn't fit in the box when it is pasted. Just a guess.
If the bottom edge of the text (dangling character stems) is still getting clipped, try a different text font.
The problem is that I would like to keep my font the same.
I have "fixed" the problem by making my font smaller, but now of course its a bit harder to read.
A different font is not really possible as i have to stick to a certain format.
Are you sitting down? About to enter the world of MS Word macros. Here is a little macro that sets all the frames in a document surrounding the text to autosize so they show all text. It is not perfect as adequate multiline text will revert to single line text and you manually need to handle these.
Sub FormatTextsInFrames()
Dim f As Frame
Dim objDoc As Document
Set objDoc = ActiveDocument
For Each f In objDoc.Frames
f.HeightRule = wdFrameAuto
f.WidthRule = wdFrameAuto
Next f
End Sub
Before running macro
After running macro
Updated macro that only corrects single line frames.
Sub FormatTextsInFrames()
Dim f As Frame
Dim objDoc As Document
Set objDoc = ActiveDocument
For Each f In objDoc.Frames
' Only work on single line frames
If f.Height < Application.CentimetersToPoints(0.63) Then
f.HeightRule = wdFrameAuto
f.WidthRule = wdFrameAuto
End If
Next f
End Sub
Just Wow!