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The community will undergo maintenance on October 16th at 10:00 PM PDT and will be unavailable for up to one hour.

One article about PlanetPTC

24-Ruby IV

One article about PlanetPTC

See attach please

5-Regular Member

Would love to have a read. Take it you do not have it in English?

Mike Armstrong wrote:

Would love to have a read. Take it you do not have it in English?

Can you help me with

or you can see pictures

5-Regular Member

Student when starting to satisfying the estimated job primarily makes inquiries, whether of finished "fish" - is constructed and handed over by the teacher of the same or a similar calculation in the form of "hard" copy of the explanatory notes, and even better as a thief - Dowa file with an explanatory note and / or a file with the corresponding calculation. You can once again poseto- Vat on the viciousness of this practice, which is aggravated by the development of information technology and its harmfulness, and for students and of teachers. But you can see in this veiled or explicit cheating and some positive values ​​moments. Or so - you need to practice this in a positive way forward.

The fact that an experienced Engineer, the launch of a Novo-th job or search studies, as well in the first place will inquire whether the finished "fish" - "already constructed and handed the teacher", sorry, time-tested solutions. Student looking for "fish", in fact, mimics one of the most important aspects of their future engineering
activity. So that such students can not only criticize, but even praise. Currently, the creators of computer calculation programs began to care not only for the expansion and improvement SRI instrumentation, but the filling of the content of programs, including ready-made solutions or blank solutions describe types povyh
problems in various fields of science and technology. But all decisions can not grasp. Have to not only fill the software package, but also to rely on links on the dates for the calculation of resources, involving for this third-party companies, and ... of the users of the package.

So, if in Mathcad 15 firms RTS (, with which the tightly cooperates first author, execute Knovel to "Tools" menu (see Fig. 1), it opens the possibility of finding a solution to the problem in technical cal library firm Knovel (, one of the founders of which is the second author of the paper. This firm is licensed to more than 5,000 scientific and technical handbooks and monographs on various sectors lam science and technology, which it posted on its website in a pdf-file with interactive tables persons, graphs, equations, and interactive databases. Many computational techniques described in these electronic publications, supplemented prepared files for packages Mathcad ( product / mathcad) and / or a special form mate Knovel Worksheets (see. below). At the end of 2012 the company saw Knovel ku firm Elsevier (www.elsevier. Com) - one of the largest in the world of electronic publishing. In the "Getting Started" package Mathcad Prime (the latest version of Mathcad) is analogous to that team, "designing of resources" (see Fig. 2). But we now focus our attention on the other team from the menu - to commands "Community", napravlya- guide users on Mathcad's PlanetPTC ( - on the user forum company RTS, in particular package Mathcad. The first author of these lines for more than ten years working at the background room of PTC [1] and its Russian analogue (www.forums.exponenta. Ru), created by the teacher MEI NA Slivin [2]. on particular site programmers www. also have user forums package for The engineering calculations, including and Mathcad. We note some singularity of these forums in terms of the article's title. A lot of hits on Russian-speaking forums Mathcad, alas, begins like this: "Prof gave me a job ... (photo should be a piece of paper with the present scratching task). Guys, anyone decide! And that cure of uni and the army zagrebut. "Therefore desire such "students" to start to solve the problem, as we say, in which case it will help, is perceived as an insult. In this case, either you "thank you" or you "please".

In addition, the dialogues in Russian-speaking forums are often skatyva- to ... altercation marketplace. This phenomenon, unfortunately, is the sad reality of some of our online communities. Because of this, many advanced users packets ("guru)" do not work on these forums and advise the visitors. Another pattern is observed on the forum PlanetPTC. Its main visitors - are engineers solved ITATION in Mathcad their professional tasks, faced with a problem (Professional or purely matkadovs- Coy) and seeking the help of a "global community." There among the "crying for help" and the students, but their question often can not be distinguished by an external form and content of the question, the engineer mature. If this is a request for assistance in solving the learning task, it is not shifting work on another's shoulders, and simply asking for help. Most forum PlanetPTC sound Chat staged character of questions - here, they say, has faced at work or university with such and such a problem and do not know which end to approach her. In this case, the forum users may provide or have already go--quantum decision or procurement decisions in the form of Mathcad-file or links to documents and resources of the Internet, where this problem is covered in one way or another.

Bottom of p95

5-Regular Member

(sm. message / 225351). Do Dwell of this on the online problem of nonprovisanii nagružennogo Khanate (Chain function CIA) and vzal her to ground. Forumčane help this student perform successfully saturate the job. Additionally diskussij (Discussion - ris. 3), the forums have PlanetPTC and other forms Posting: documents (Documents), in kotoryh Visitors Forum publikuût results svoej Ra- boty in Standby ee kommenti- rovaniâ. Tut, as a rule, the company itself RTS pomeŝaet Ready proverennye decisions teh or inyh problems via Mathcad in different fields of science and technology; Blogs (Blogs) for detalʹnogo discussions dykes EVER separate themes;

Voting (Polls), under which the visitor is trying to know the opinion of the forum community must establish the particular matter by the transfers of possible answers, of which online interlocutors must choose one and / or write your comment is. One of the most tumultuous was a vote on an issue that I need a new version of Mathcad (Mathcad Prime) of the "old, good-th» Mathcad 15; photo albums (Photo Albums) with pictures of display screens and the simple pictures;

Animation (Videos) processes modeled with the help of Mathcad. Incidentally, the branches debates (the spread nenny form of communication forums on me - on October 2014 their accumulative elk about two thousand) and can be complementary to documents of the figure and animations, including a video of their own arguments - tions before the built-in camera of the computer. All this enriches and simplifies communication. One of the most interesting forms of the forum - this corresponds to the building and maintenance of their own groups. Any registered user of the site can create a your own minifo- room to solve concrete problems or to communicate with a specific group of people, cutting off from it pos- Toron and inviting relevant. This miniforum may be open to all visitors PlanetPTC - registered or unregistered. Of the latter may be on the forum all to read, but can not leave messages and comment on other people. That are generally isolated in the group? Firstly, there is a group on PanetPTC oriented Some national languages ​​- new French, Italian, Czech, etc. The main language of the forum, of course, English, and this discourages many users Mathcad, not quite knowing this language of international communication. Work on the forums me - it is, by the way, and good English language lessons, without which it is impossible to talk about sosto- yavshemsya engineer. Recall that our domestic well-known scientists and engineers fluent in several foreign languages​​. Secondly, the visitor can open forum it permanent or temporary group for the solution of a specific task c chenniem attracted to this work of specific people - employees only of the firm, for example, or external experi- stale without devoting to the work pos- Toroni. Third, separate groups created by teachers in schools and universities, inviting them to their pupils and students and deciding on their learning tasks - carrying out control, execution of type-O, term papers and dissertations, publication of educational materials, etc. By the way, very little structural cell of many our universities is called - Group operates. You can create separate groups for remedial of the work or, conversely, with advanced students. At the same time work with the Tropics echnikami can hide from everyone and work with honors, on the contrary, to promote.

This form of work is not teachers should teach their students and students, and students and students are free to teach teachers. The fact is that our young people have long tikuet practice this form of communication, sitting ("Bolt") at different chats in the social networks. Case teach- ers - to pick up and maintain it, transferring contacts and educational nye case. Another form of training of work, practiced by the first author of the article - is hosted lecture material PlanetPTC forum for wide discussions with colleagues teaching telyami from around the world and for subsequent demonstrations in lectures and seminars Zanathy. One example of such a discussion (decision an optimization of the problem associated with the design capacity of the maximum amount, as well as a comparison of analytical and numerical methods of solution) can be seen here http: // communities. Fig. 4 shows the start message of this discussion, which began 13 of April 2013 On the 15th of April (two days later) to this post came 21 response.

In addition, the author has created against the background of rume PlanetRTS own notation Packs designed group meetings with examples of animations created in Mathcad and employees to illustrate lectures and workshops, as well as for samostoyateltion of the students. Perefrazi- Rui old adage, we can say that it is better to see once the animation, than hear a hundred times on lecture story about the phenomenon, theorem, instrument ... program can be viewed on your display displays students and, if necessary, intercepts the students control of computers. You can work any student from any computer are shown to all students on the big screen. And "by the way" - in this class, many students come with their mobile devices and they perform computational tasks. On the Internet there are a lot of "dimensional tvyh" text, graphics and tables with background information for engineers and students of engineering colleges. But there are almost no "live" formulas which are considered interactive computation [6]. Firm Elsevier / Knovel, in which we are mentioned earlier in this article (see. Fig. 1), develops specially cial instrument entitled the Interactive Equations (interactive tive equation - see. Fig. 12) that allows for a online engineering calculations on a computer without upload any additional applications. The following is a fragment of the book of the first author [7] with a description of the technology. Knovel company allows one to your site Visitors may not only read technical manuals, but also download calculations sdelan- nye by, for example, the package Mathcad. On the website you can go directly of Mathcad, 15 (see Fig. 1). Mathcad users to solve a new problem may seek tuning is a turnkey solution on the site Knovel, from the comfort of Mathcad. HICLES first author actively co-operates with the company Knovel and even gave transition to be placed on a site www. some of their calculations of (see Fig. 12). As we have noted earlier, in 2012, the company became part of Knovel company Elsevier. Fig. 13 you can see a link to the site www.knovel. com in the list of online tools company Elsevier. On the web at Knovel size scheny own online lack instruments, which include the so-called library of equations (Interactive Equations - Fig. 14).

Knovel Library equations firms can not only search and browse certain formula, but also to interactively work with them like this, as is done in the Mathcad Calculation Server, ELSE supports the first author of the paper. But the site Knovel can be administered and their own formula for future calculations on them. As of March 2014 in the library of the equations of the company was 129 Knovel formulas: 39 in chemistry and chemical engineering, 77 mechanics and 13 on the properties of materials (see Fig. 15), and at the time of publication of this article (July 2014) equations should be more 600 The authors of the article have big plans for filling libraries calculations. Start this work gave the publication of calculating the capacity of the pump, depending on the mass flow rate and pressure drop

End of p99

5-Regular Member

on it (see Fig. 16-19) relying on a function that returns the density of water, depending on pressure and temperature. The calculation, shown in Fig. 17, is made in a medium package SMath, which free download from say- that Knovel firm did not bet on Mathcad due to the fact that it is quite a commercial product of expensive goy goy the other firms - PTC, which as disabled clients Knovel. In addition, Mathcad is not a network application and the latest version of Mathcad - Mathcad Prime poorly configured to work with Mathcad Calculation Server. In interactive calculation (see Fig. 17) there is a hidden area with a function that returns the density of water, depending on pressure and temperature. This region is disclosed and shown in Fig. 18 This and many other similar functions can be downloaded from the authors website rskogo rbtpp / Region. There she has a name wspD1PT. If the name of this function to replace one of two, then it will return density is no longer water, and water vapor, the properties of which are not determined by the first and second region form emulation IAPWS-IF97.

If in behalf of the function will be triple, then it will treat okolokriti- cal area. If there will be a five-float, then to the field of high temperature steam. The fourth area of ​​formulation IAPWS-IF97 determines the properties of water and water vapor at saturation line from the triple point of water up to the critical point. Fig. 17 You can also see a list of menu commands DOWNLD, allowing additionally download files settlement programs in the format of Knovel Worksheet, Mathcad and MS Excel. Fig. 19 shows the corresponding guide Mathcad-payment capacity of the water pump.

In the future, the library equations firms Knovel is planned to accommodate the functions of the properties of working fluids, heat transfer medium and the material thermal, nuclear and industrial energy industry. Properties of individual substances will be illustrated examples of their use by about as much as it was done in relation to the density of water in the calculation of pump power. There is also a technology involved inverse calculations when, for example, is known for the density of water and its temperature, and it is necessary to determine the pressure [6].

Work on the forums mathematical FIR packets can be considered as one of the stages of the transition from the traditionally (classroom) to "the cloud Nome" Technical University. It is based on "natural property of the student and the student" - drawn to the work of the social networks.

One of the consequences of the introduction of the Internet into our lives - it's erasure of distinctions between people with higher education and without it. Previously, for knowledge to be sure to enter a university to have access to the lectures, educational and scientific libraries. Now, the Internet allows you to have an operational access to knowledge to all wishing conductive. As a result, now it is often possible to meet human vysokoerudi- Rowan (professionalism la) without the "scabs" of the university and, alas, ignoramus, had spent five years at the university and received a diploma.

5-Regular Member

Hope it reads ok. The joy of Google translator

Mike Armstrong wrote:

Hope it reads ok. The joy of Google translator

Thanks, but I can do it myself. I (the translation) need (needs) one edition

About student's "fish"

В Киеве "рыбу" называют "козой": "Эй, у кого есть "коза" типового по термеху?"

Интересна этимология слова "рыба". Композиторам нередко приходится сочинять музыку к песне, слова которой еще не написаны. В этом случае композитор работает с "болванкой", состоящей из названий рыб: "Селедка, сардинка, форелька, лещ...". Главное тут чтобы размер этого "стиха" был соответствующий. У веб-дизайнеров "рыбой" называется заготовка сайта, которую наполняет сам заказчик.

В интернете можно попытаться найти этимологию и киевского слова "коза".

5-Regular Member

In Kiev, "fish" is called "goat": "Hey, who has a" goat "model for termehu?"

The etymology of the word "fish". Composers often have to compose the music for the song, the words of which have not yet been written. In this case, the composer works with "blanks", consisting of the names of fish: "The herring, sardine, forelka, bream ...". The main thing that the size of this "verse" was appropriate. Do Web Designers "fish" is called the blank site, which fills the customer himself.

On the Internet, you can try to find the etymology of Kiev and the word "goat."


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