I'm fairly new to Mathcad and I'm having some difficulties, I'm trying to plot the conductivity of intrinsic silicon as temperature increases. The problem that I'm having is using the units cm^-3. Mathcad keeps changing the units to 1/L, and that changes the values as well. I tried going into tool-> worksheet options and click on the unit system tab. Then I clicked custom and changed the length from Meters to cm, but that still didn't work. I have attached my worksheet. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong. Thank you for all your help
Easy to achieve for each individual equation but not to force the whole worksheet.
select the equation:
At the end you will notice the 1 / 2 black dots (placeholders), the first will be the result; if you select the second, it allows you to specify some or all of the units that the result will be displayed in.
to give
Hope this helps
To change volume to cm^3 permanently in your sheet you additionally would have to go again to Tools/Worksheet options/Unit system then to "Derived Units", chose "Volume" and click remove.
But you don't have to change the unitsystem if you just want single results to be displayed using non-SI units.
If you click in the result of a calculation like ni(300K)=..., you see a small black square placeholder after the unit. Just type in the unit you want to see there - in your case 1/cm^3 - and press enter.