IAPWS-IF97 formulation - http://www.iapws.org/relguide/IF97-Rev.pdf
If you do a reference on the link http://twt.mpei.ac.ru/TTHB/NPP/mathcad-functions/H2O.xmcdz in your work-sheet.
You can find in attach some same functions for Mathcad Prime too.
Some functions with properties of water and steam will be visible in the sheet as it is showed on this picture:
Prof. Valery Ochkov - a member of the Working Group of The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam
If you have this functions and some others in your sheet you can calculate for example one Thermal Power Cycle:
We can use WaterSteamPro functions (www.wsp.ru) in Mathcad Prime 3 now. For the plotting h, s-diagram for example (saturated lines, an isobar, an isotherm and isohor of the zero point):
sesem sesem wrote:
You welcome!
Can you show us how do you use this link?
Now we can do in Mathcad 15 a shorter link:
Hi Valery
Would it be possible to get a function for specific enthalpy, as function of pressure and specific entropy?
Best regards
See please www.wsp.ru
Mathcad 15
Mathcad Prim 3.1:
Or (Mathcad 15) free of charge for students by using cloud functions
Hi Valery, thank you for your attention.
I have installed WaterSteamPro on my PC, and I it works in Mathcad 15, but I can't get the it to work in prime. I have copied the "wspmcad.dll" file to the custom functions folder in Prime. However that does not seem, to do the job. I'm probably doing something wrong? I am on 64-bit system.
Is it possible that you could upload a mcdx. file, with HPS- function. Similar to the ones you have already uploaded.
This would be a huge help in my studies as a marine engineer.
Thanks in advcance
I try to convert WSP for the 64-bit Prime in short time!
Now you can (as future marine engineer) study this article (marine+Mathcad)
The article discusses the calculation of sustainable ships in fresh and seawater based on re-viewed the forces acting on the ship. A laboratory work, covering physics, mathematics and infor-matics is given.
Keywords: ship stability, center of gravity, center of buoyancy, Archimedes' principle, fresh water, seawater, density of water.
Can you translate it in English?
See please http://twt.mpei.ac.ru/ochkov/Ship.pdf
Hi Valery
I will be looking forward to 64-bit version.
Thank you for your attention
With Prime 4.
Rasmus Madsen написал(а):
Hi Valery
I will be looking forward to 64-bit version.
Thank you for your attention
Now you can download WaterSteamPro for 64-bit version of Mathcad Prime!
Good luck!
Hi Valery
Thank you!
But I'm sorry to bother you once again. But where do I find the new DLL file, the one I find in (a new installation) the userefi folder is apperantly from 2012?
Could you please provide a link, to where I download the file?
Sorry, we are working with this bug!