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I am trying to create an interaction diagram for a circular concrete column. This is based off of an Excel spreadsheet that is currently being used and I am trying to convert that into a Mathcad spreadsheet. in the Excel spreadsheet the vertical load strenght and moment strength were found using the what-if function. The Excel spreadsheet solves for the total vertical load strength by adding the vertical load strength of the concrete (Pconc) and the vertical load strength of the steel (Pst) as is the same for the total moment Mn = Mconc + Mst. for Pst and Mst I am using the Range of Variable Summation to sum the values in a Range (obviously). The summation comes up with the right value, but I need this to be converted back into a range as it is dependent on the value c. That is pretty confusing so I will give an example. c is a range of values. the first value of c is 0 which gives me a sum(Mst) = 8.05 * 15^-15 but I need the sum(Mst) to change as c changes because It needs to be added to Mconc to get the right Mn value. I will attach the spreadsheet so you can see what is going on, but I was just wondering if it was possible to make the range variable summation function change with respect to cj? I have also attached the excel file. you will need to unprotect the file and unhide rows 21-62.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Alan, you are a genius. Thank you so much.
hello digger 28, see if you can help me facilitate the sheet excel the form or function you do to calculate the Mn and Pn, which are among the cells C68 - C168 and D68 -D168
can someone convert this program to mathcad prime 3.0 ? or get me text of the program with word or text file ?
Please find in attachment PDF and XPS version of these worksheets for viewing and also Mathcad Prime 3.1 converted worksheets (note that control elements do not work in Prime after conversion).
I am encountering the vectorization error that is common when converting old mathcad files to Mathcad Prime 10. Has anyone updated this sheet for use in Mathcad Prime 10?
Prime isn't using static unit checking (SUC) and as a consequence you have to apply correct units even to zero values:
As an alternative you may use the new "unit" Zero (note the capital "Z"!):
Applying these changes make the worksheet functional
(I edited(deleted) the upper limits of both axis so that all parts of the red trace can be seen.)
Prime 10 sheet attached