1) Could anyone let me know the working/use of Asset Advisor, and
2) How does it get the data? Is it Kepware or some other option?
Thanks in advance.
@ranjank The usage of Asset Advisor (that comes along with Thingworx Manufacturing Apps) is for monitoring of remote devices or assets and yes Kepware can be used for getting data from different industrial PLC and then show up on mfg apps.
I would recommend you to go through the mfg apps help center documentation.
Hi @abjain
Is it only the Kepware from where the data gets populated over asset advisor or it can be any other option also?
Please let me know if any.
Also how the data gets populated over there? What is the process behind it?
Also in TWX Apps 8.3.4 there is one field under Advisor's Performance sub-tab named "Not Configured". What does it signify?
Thanks in advance.
Hi @ranjank ,
For connection option you can use KEPServerEX, Legacy and Non-Kepware OPC servers, or NI TestStand type. I would recommend you to go through the below mfg apps documentation and you will find answers to all your queries and would understand better.