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How to follow new posts in a blog?

25-Diamond I

How to follow new posts in a blog?

When I look at the overview in "PTC Community Help" I can see if there are new posts in one of its three sections. Thats nice (and would even be nicer if we could get rid of the "new solotions" part so weI would not be forced to scroll down to see that information)

Pic1.pngIn the example above I see that there a 4 new posts in "Welcome ..." and when I go to this section, which is a collection of threads, the threads with the new posts have bubbled to the top and when the "n REPLIES" is written in green, thta thread contains posts I haven'r read already. Its nice to have back (compared to the old Mathcad collab) this new/read feature.

Pic2.pngUnfortiunately this comfort is completely lost when it comes to "Communities Announcements". This is a collection of blogs and the "14 NEW" in the overview refers to comments in some of those blogs. As with "documents" in Jive (which were hard to impossible to follow, too) a blog will not bubble to the top just because a comment was made. Looking at the list of posts in "Communities Announcements" (oh boy! what a wast of space that is!!!!) I can see how many comments are made to each blog, but that counter is always black. It does not turn green for new, unread comments.Pic3.png


Am I missing something? How can I find out where those 14 new posts are hidden??

Or is it simply that it was forgotten to turn on to signal new posts in a blog via the green font?





25-Diamond I

Sorry, just realized that I had ranted about that topic already here

and its on Tobys list already.


25-Diamond I

Now I experience the very same problem in "Welcome & How-To's", too.


At the overview page I see that there should be 2 new posts there, but when I enter "Welcome & How-To's" there is no topic which would be flagged in green to signal that there is a new post!


What can I do to find those new posts? Overview stil sigals 2 new posts - where are they?

Werner - along with discussion navigation (who is respondig to who), I am discussion other UX issues with Lithium today and will be reporting back.



25-Diamond I

Yea Toby, I know you are aware of the problem and are working on it.

I was concerned as  this was different. Signaling new posts in green font usually works (and as I can see it works just now, too) in "Welcome & How-To's". Neverthess in the overview I saw that 2 new posts are in that area (I realoded that page to update that counter)  but no thread in the whole area was flagged green.

Just now all is OK again, I see 0 new posts. Maybe it was a forum hick up.

EDIT: Now half an hour later the overwiev again tells me that there are 2 new posts in "Welcome & How-To's" but there aren't any new post. So probably that counter is faulty. Its not the only one. My  outbox tells always tells me that I have  "nn of nn messages unread".



@Tmetcalf wrote:

Werner - along with discussion navigation (who is respondig to who), I am discussion other UX issues with Lithium today and will be reporting back.





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