Where are Product Ideas for new functionality submitted? Once you enter PTC Community, click on Browse and locate the product that pertains to your idea.
Under that product you will find an “Ideas” section where you can add, view, comment and vote on
Product Ideas. -
For a Windchill user, when they go to the Windchill forum the only Ideas board is for FlexPLM Ideas, which is for only one product within the Windchill suite of products--there is no Windchill Ideas board for PDMLink/ProjectLink users to submit their ideas.
It looks like the Windchill Ideas board is hidden under the Community > Ideas Exchange page (https://community.ptc.com/t5/Windchill-Ideas/idb-p/WindchillIdeas)
Unless you have the direct URL link to that page, or one of your searches has a result that resides in that board there does not look to be a way to access that board. This is causing Windchill customer confusion and frustration when they need to file an Idea.
Please make this board easier to find for customers so that they can more easily post their Ideas, as needed.