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Flipped Classrooms in Engineering Education Discussion

5-Regular Member

Flipped Classrooms in Engineering Education Discussion

Thank you to those that were able to join us on the 5 Steps for Flipping Your Engineering Classroom Webinar!
[View the full 5-Steps for Flipping Your Engineering Classroom Webinar here!]

Please feel free to use this platform as a discussion board to your thoughts on flipped classrooms, strategies for doing so, what you're doing in your classroom and gain feedback from your peers.

Here are some questions to get you started:

  • Any questions following the webinar?
  • Is flipping your classroom a strategy you are interested in pursing?
  • What are your buggest hurdles with flipping your classroom?
  • How do you think your students would find this format?
  • How will this format help you save time teaching or provide more 1:1 time with students?
  • Are there any technologies you're using to help you in a flipped classroom model?
  • How have you worked with stakeholders (deans, students, etc.) to make this model work for you?
  • Etc.

Should you have any specific questions for the PTC Academic Program, please feel to reach out to an Academic Advisor directly at

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