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I'm trying to reverse the zip direction of an axis system in CATIA, using VB.Net.
I tried the following :
Public Const catAxisSystemAxisOppositeDirection As MECMOD.CATAxisSystemAxisType = 2
`Public Const catAxisSystemAxisOppositeDirection As MECMOD.CATAxisSystemAxisType = 2
Dim axisSystems1 = selection1.Item(1).Value
axisSystems1.Name = "Screw hole direction." & Num_hole
axisSystems1.ZAxisDirection = catAxisSystemAxisOppositeDirection
With this it occurs an error. I tried the same in the VB6 editor inside Catia and it works. In VB.Net it doesn't.
I also tried to create a new axisSystem and I wasn't successful. I don't know what to do
Hi priyankamakke,
I'm unclear if this is related to PTC training. You may want to ask your question to the MindMajix support staff you've linked in your question.
Apologies I cannot be of more help.
You need to contact with the technical support service, here: