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How to stay productive while learning – 3 tips to balance your learning efforts and work tasks


How to stay productive while learning – 3 tips to balance your learning efforts and work tasks


A learning mindset is critical for planning our careers. Continuous efforts in learning new things, dedicating time to practice, and improving our skills are critical for doing an excellent job and staying ahead of the competition. However, we are often struggling to fit learning into our daily schedules. Our day-to-day job tasks demand most of our time and we don’t want to lose our productivity.

Here are 3 tips that may help you fit more learning into your daily schedules!


Plan your learning

Make a to-do-list tonight for your learning and working tasks of tomorrow. While you finish your to-do-list, you’ll be able to track and limit the time spent on each task without missing out anything. Such time optimizations can be important contributors to your productivity.


Eliminate distractions

Put away everything that can distract you during your learning or working hours, sometimes distractors can be your own things lying at your desk like your phone, car keys, headset, fidget spinners etc. Clean and peaceful surrounding with a focused mind will help you be more productive by the end of it. If you dedicated an hour for learning during your workday, this will help you make the most of it.


Ask an expert

Is your learning getting you closer to your goals? Is it really relevant for your work? Are you practicing effectively? Try to tap the expertise of a mentor – a senior colleague, a teacher, your manager. Being open to positive, negative and corrective feedback from your expert advisor will ensure you keep on track and you are working towards the expected results. Avoiding trial and error and picking the most effective learning options for your tasks will improve your productivity.


Do you think these simple tips are helpful? Please share your thoughts and comments.



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