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PLM MPMLink Working Groups
Contact: Eric Horn (Screen Name: ehorn)
Topic: MPMLink Raw Material Object
Status: Active/Open (Currently looking for Volunteers)
Description: MPMLink is developing a new object type to support the use of raw material as part of the design and manufacturing of product. Goal of this group will be to discuss the relevant use cases and to provide feedback based upon the perceived usage within your respective organization.
Customer Leader: Eric Horn
PTC Leader: JC Niyonkuru
Start: ASAP
Duration: 6 months
Number of Participants: 10
Topic: MPMLink BOM Transformation Reconcile and Update
Status: Active/Open (Currently looking for Volunteers)
Description: PTC plans on investing some development in improving and possibly automating of the reconcile between the upstream and downstream views of the BOM. The goal of this group is to look at methods, provide feedback and use cases of business scenarios to improve reconcile.
Customer Leader: Eric Horn
PTC Leader: JC Niyonkuru
Topic: MPMLink Work Instructions & Delivery
Status: Active/Open (Currently looking for Volunteers)
Description: The ultimate goal of using MPMLink is to provide work instructions to the shop on how to manufacture. The delivery of this is different between companies. The goal is to look at how the consumption of the work instructions is given to the shop. Participants should be familiar with how your business consumes data. This would also include any integration between ERP and/or MES systems.
Customer Leader: Eric Horn
PTC Leader: JC Niyonkuru
Start: April 2019
Duration: 12 months
Number of Participants: 25
Topic: MPMLink Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Status: Active/Open (Currently looking for Volunteers)
Customer Led w/PTC Participation
Description: Working group comprised of members who have experience in using MPMLink. Putting together a set of what we have learned over the implementations. Goal is to come up with some guidance documents to help other customers who want to use the same tools. While business processes between companies are very different there is a fundamental level of commonality. Purpose is to find those commonalities, document and help others. Be prepared to patriate, provide input, author papers and/or presentations to guide the documentation. Participants will also be asked to author and/or author certain portions of documentation.
Customer Leader: Eric Horn
PTC Leader: JC Niyonkuru
Start: Now
Duration: Ongoing
Number of Participants: Open
Start: ASAP
Duration: 6 months
Number of Participants: 20
Status: Active/Open- Currently looking for volunteers.
Working Group Leader: Jean-Louis Beaulne (Screen Name: JLBeaulne)
DevOps concepts accelerate change propagation and increase quality through consistent testing and deployment by automating these tasks.
This working group will work towards automating Windchill system administration tasks to streamline the delivery of changes to Windchill.
PTC uses methods for Windchill regression testing. Some of these techniques can be leveraged by clients to run tests on their Windchill systems to validate changes they want to implement.
Deliverables :
The objective is to produce white papers or procedure kits to get users started with :
Timeframe / Duration : 1 year
# of Participants: TBD
European Union Medical Device Regulation Workgroup
Status: Inactive/On-Hold:
Working Group Leader: Michael Prudhomme PTC (Screen Name: mprudhomme)
The purpose of this group will be to discuss the challenges and progress among workgroup members trying to comply with the upcoming European Union Medical Device Regulation. The format will be discussion and prioritization of key topics with the express purpose of identifying activities and solutions which can be used by all group members. The intent is to facilitate collaboration between with customers, partners and PTC regarding solutions.
Group members must be willing to actively participate with the group as follows:
If you are interested in participating please contact the group leader for admittance
Working Group duration 12-24 Months
Working Group max size 30 participants.
Collaborative AR Design Review Process-Working Group
Status: Inactive/Closed (Full Capacity has been reached).
PTC Group Leaders: MarkLobo and SteveShaw
The goal of this working group is to discover pain points and areas of improvement within the design review process and to generate ideas on how emerging technologies can be part of the solution. We are looking for members with intimate knowledge of their company’s design review process, both as a facilitator who helps prepare and run review sessions and participants, those who must review design information and provide feedback/input/approvals as part of this process. As a member the expectation is that you are willing to set time aside to share your experiences, including current pain points, and ideas regarding the design review process and how new technologies might improve and/or enhance these activities. If you are interested in participating, please contact one of the group leaders for admittance into the group.
Managing document relationships to parts and the engineering BOM
Status: Inactive/FULL: This group has reached capacity and is currently closed to new membership.
Working Group Leader: Steve Shaw PTC (Screen Name: SteveShaw) Customer Lead: Lewis Lawrence (Screen Name: LewisLawrence )
The purpose of this group will be to discuss challenges and areas for improvement as it relates to the various aspects of creating and maintaining the connection of content (CAD, Dynamic and Documents) to parts and bills of material in Windchill. Topics for discussion will include customer use cases and needs for relating documents to parts, associating CAD to Parts for the purposes of passing attributes, representations and driving the creation of their engineering bill-of-material using both bottom-up and top-down, or part centric, methodologies.
Group members must be willing to actively participate with the group, as follows:
If you are interested in participating, please contact the group leader for admittance.
Working group duration: 12-24 months
Working group max size: 20 participants
Windchill Reporting
Status: Active/Open-Currently looking for volunteers
Working Group Leader: Lewis Lawrence (Screen Name: LewisLawrence)
PTC Contact: Jeff Zemsky (Screen Name: JeffZemsky)
Description: Updates are coming to Windchill Reporting in our June 2020 release. Very specific skillset and experience needed for all working group participants. Feel free to reach out to Lewis Lawrence if you would like to learn more.
Duration: 6 months
# of Participants: TBD
PLM Configured Dynamic Visualization-Color Variation
(PTC Leader: Robbie Morrison and Kathy Johnson)
PLM Configured Dynamic Visualization -Dynamic Positioning
and Virtual Product Architecture
(PTC Leader: Robbie Morrison and Kathy Johnson)
Enterprise Change
Status: Active: This group is meeting outside the PTC Community.
Group Leader: Jeff Zemsky PTC (Screen Name: JeffZemsky)
Contact Jeff Zemsky for more information.
Topic: ThingWorx/ Navigate Working Group
(listed with ThingWorx Working Groups)
PTC Leader: Michael Prudhomme PTC (Screen Name: mprudhomme)
More information coming soon.