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2022-11-04 Friday Humor (That smarts.....)

23-Emerald III

2022-11-04 Friday Humor (That smarts.....)

Welcome to November....

Beautiful in Michigan this past week mid sixties and sunny.

I am looking forward to the snow soon.

Don't forget to fall back on the clocks and may the house pass the bill to have Date Light Saving Time be permanent.


A telecoms engineer joins the army...

On the shooting range the Sergeant shows him the distant target and tells him to fire six rounds, which he does. The Sarge walks all the way to the target and shouts back "You haven't hit it at all!" The telecoms guy puts his finger over the end of the barrel, pulls the trigger and blows his finger clean off and shouts back, "It's leaving here ok - the problem must be at your end!"


Last weekend at our place was 26° (about 80 F).
It was also the weekend of the return to standard time, but especially the weekend of the olive harvest.


Leaf cleanup after harvest




Olives ready for pressing



Start of processing



Oil output after pressing



End of squeezing





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