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Happy Holidays To You!! (2022)

Community Manager

Happy Holidays To You!! (2022)

Hello, PTC Community and Happy Holidays to You!!  Recently, the PTC Community Team had a "virtual" Christmas-Holiday party (hence the colorful backgrounds and my lovely Santa hat as shown below).  One important team member wasn't present.  That would be our Moderator Communication Coordinator, @Simona Besides showing up on the forums and helping our community to stay organized along with our other fantastic moderator team members @anursingh @vnamboodheri and @luliana_nuta , Simona helps with communication related to policies and Community Terms of Service changes across our global moderator team to keep the PTC Community a comfortable place for all our PTC Community members. 

Simona Christmas photo.jpg




I decided to have an end of year interview and sharing of the Romanian holiday traditions of our friend, Simona! Feel free to reply with your own holiday traditions.  Enjoy and have a blessed time with your families this holiday season!


The "Simona" Interview


Jaime Lee:  How long have you worked for PTC?

Simona:  3.5 years in PTC Technical Support:  1 Year as Moderator Communications Coordinator

Jaime Lee:  What do you love about being part of the PTC Community?

Simona:  It's amazing to be part of a big PTC Community because I have the chance to do something there and help so many members at once.  I also love community because I like helping connecting people with each other and with resources.

Jaime Lee:  What do you do for fun when you aren't helping with moderation on the community?

Simona:  One of my biggest hobbies is traveling. I discover all the time new places to go and learn about other nationalities or traditions and, of course, meet new people and interact with them. So, the interaction with others is part of myself.

Jaime Lee:  What are your favorite memories or activities you like to participate in the holiday season?

Simona: The most favorite part is that I have the opportunity to gather all family around Christmas tree and spend precious moments with them. We always share memories from our childhood and we have an amazing time together.

Jaime Lee:  Are there any traditions unique to Romania during the holidays you want to share?

Simona:  A very important part of the Christmas festivities in Romania is the caroling ("colindatul"), a tradition that goes back to Medieval Times. Romanian Christmas carols use tunes and themes that vary according to their region of origin. Despite the variety, the most beloved carols are the ones glorifying the birth of Jesus. Throughout the Christmas season groups of small children and students, especially those in the villages, go from door to door singing beautiful Romanian carols. Carolers usually receive pretzels, cookies or other goodies like nuts or fruits.

Jaime Lee:  Anything else you would like to share with the PTC Community?

Simona:  I wish everyone Happy Holidays and enjoy your time with the beloved ones because those are the most important memories of our life.


From the PTC Community Team (+ Extended Moderator Team) Happy Holidays and may the new year (2023) be filled with blessings to you and your families!





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