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PTC Community Monthly Stand Outs (August, September, October 2022 Top Engagers

Community Manager

PTC Community Monthly Stand Outs (August, September, October 2022 Top Engagers

The PTC Community Team was super busy helping with the PTC/USER conference this last quarter.


See some photos here.  But, we do want to catch up on our "honor roll" or list of "Top Engagers" for the few months.  Take a look below and see if your username made the list!  We still have November and December left to finish 2022 strong. 


Keep asking questions, replying to your community peers, solving each other's problems, and showing each other encouragement by kudoing posts, and marking accepted solutions.  All of these activities foster great community engagement and collaboration!


Catching up on honor roll or  "Top Engagers List" for the last few months!


Drum Roll...please......


Top August 2022 Community Engagers:  


@tbraxton @HelesicPetr @MartinHanak @VladimirN @Werner_E @terryhendicott @lvl107 @TomU @LucMeekes @Dale_Rosema @StephenW @avillanueva @Sathishkumar_C @JS_9824412 @BenLoosli @AB_10071442 @pausob @Shashi_Preetham @ZS_10383889 @ttokoro @rklesch @rleir @KB_9100625 @Nairn @nmilleson @GP_10383074 @LenaZ 


Top September 2022 Community Engagers:


@Werner_E @VladimirN @HelesicPetr @Shashi_Preetham @LucMeekes @Sathishkumar_C @MartinHanak 

@ttokoro @TomU @BenLoosli @tbraxton @StephenW @mwa @avillanueva @lvl107 @danmorin @terryhendicott @ME_10406535 @nmutter @Spedex @DS_10024912 @Dale_Rosema @Old-MCAD-User 


Top October 2022 Community Engagers:

@Werner_E @HelesicPetr @LucMeekes @VladimirN @ttokoro @tbraxton @MartinHanak @LucMeekes @Old-MCAD-User @ValeryOchkov @pkgna @avillanueva @CornelBejan @jensc @lvl107 @StephenW @SoulEngineer @ptc-4937106 @Shashi_Preetham @IS_10467782 @lvl107 @TomU @Old-MCAD-User 


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