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I have a cross section using a hatching we have been using for rubber since Creo 7. We have upgraded to 10 (version and I have created a directory to store user defined cross hatching. When I call up the drawing and pick the hatching in the detail view and try to save under "User defined" the program locks up, waits about 10 seconds, and then winks out. No write-back, no nothing, just a fast crash. Any ideas as to what it is doing? It is repeatable.
I have noticed a bit of instability with respect to hatching. Like if I try to use a currently defined hatch to set another region, it often crashes.
I've taken to only using the PAT types, converting to them as I come upon old drawings, and editing in a tedious fashion. I don't think the new versions of Creo like the old XCH hatching definitions anymore, so I've abandoned them to the past.
You need to open a ticket with PTC and send them the steps to reproduce so a SPR (bug ticket) can get filed and it can get fixed.