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i would like to change a parameter with vbscript. So far I have already managed to call a model from Windchill and check it out afterwards. I can also call the value of the parameter to be changed. Unfortunately I can not change its value.
I hope there are some experts here who can help me with my problem.
Here is my current code that works:
Option Explicit
Dim asynconn
Dim conn
Dim session
Dim mdlname 'modelname
Dim mdl 'Ipfc Model
Dim server 'Ipfc Server
Dim modelDesc 'Ipfc Model Descriptor
Set asynconn = CreateObject("pfcls.pfcAsyncConnection")
Set conn = asynconn.Connect("", "", ".", 5)
Set session = conn.session
mdlname = "test.prt"
set server = session.GetActiveServer
set modelDesc = CreateObject("pfcls.pfcModelDescriptor").CreateFromFileName(mdlname)
set mdl = session.Currentmodel
server.CheckoutObjects Nothing, mdl.filename, True, Nothing
Dim param 'Ipfc Base Parameter
Dim Powner 'Ipfc Parameter Owner
Dim Paramname 'Parametername
Dim paramValue 'Ipfc Param Value
paramname = "testparam"
Set Powner = mdl
Set param = Powner.GetParam(paramname)
MsgBox Param.value.stringvalue
Thanks for your help