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Creo 1.0


Creo 1.0

Anybody tried it yet. I recieved a technical support subscription e-mail notifying me that Creo 1.0 was available for download.

I downloaded and installed it with the new license key.

It looks like the next major release of Pro/ENGINEER not to be referred to as WF6. Looks like a much better implementation of the ribbon over WF5.

I have yet to see a mini toolbar popoup when items are selected in any mode. (part, assembly, drawing or sheetmetal)

I've seen demos that had them. Is there a option that turns them on?


ps. it wasn't difficult to find menu manager stuff.

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I couldn’t find the Creo 1.0 in my available download.
Am I looking in the wrong place?
Did anybody download it yet?

Thank you for your response.
The way I understood is that if it has “Elements” in its name like in Creo ELEMENTS/Pro is still the a build of the current Wildfire 5.
Creo 1.0 in another hand is the intended Wildfire6 so brand new release not only a name/brand change.
So, anybody tried Creo 1.o yet?
Where is the download? I couldn’t find it in available software updates/downloads.

I have tried it. It's ok, but still needs work. For me, the jury is out
for the ribbon interface.

Just gave it a try and I must say it looks promising.
You have to get used to the new interface, but it is quite intuitive.
Can't judge on real productivity increase, but it looks good (very white
though 🙂

Looking at the product calendar I don't see any maintenance releases
planned for Creo Parametric 1.0 ???
The product calendar says it will jump to Creo 2.0 spring next year...
I think this will keep a lot of customers away from the 1.0 release

Kind regards,

Frederic Vanneste
Windchill Project Coordinator
CAD Administrator
General R&D
Noordlaan 5
B-8520 Kuurne

My first experience after installing Creo 1.0.
I'll give it another shot.


I got a bit further than Jeff... then again I knew better but thought
maybe, just maybe, our license would work. I certainly hope PTC has no
plans to push Pro into "end of life" or whatever they call it & force us to
buy new software. So far I have not seen anything along those lines but as
of today I am a little bit worried.


Joe S.

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Luke DiVenti <
-> wrote:

> My first experience after installing Creo 1.0.
> I‘ll give it another shot.

I would bet that if that happened we would see a very large user/license holder shift to other lesser and cheaper softwares (AutoCAD, Solidworks, Catia, Unigraphics, Solid Edge,etc..

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

Traditionally (and, I suspect, contractually), your license to run Pro/E
is permanent. You can run the version you paid for as long as you have
hardware that will support it. However, PTC has no obligation to
continue to update it to run on a newer OS or with newer hardware. If
you wanted to run Rev. 16 on Windows7 64 bit, you're likely out of luck,
or at least on your own.

Back when WF2 was somewhat new, we had a client that said they required
release 20 (5 revs back). It took our IT guy a few days to figure out
how to get it to run on XP, but he did. Then they said they decided to

Doug Schaefer
Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer
23-Emerald II

I really think you have no idea of what other CAD software is capable of! To call NX and CATIA "lesser and cheaper" is a very wrong statement and grossly inaccurate. As far as capabilities go, SolidWorks, SolidEdge and Inventor can do about 90% of what Wildfire can do and for most companies at a very reasonable price that meets their needs.

If Creo 1 fails to deliver as promised, existing users will stick with Creo/Elements Pro (WF5) and wait until Creo 2 or 3 comes out that does work. A mass exodus will not happen because of the investment in existing files done in Pro/E. I worked for a company that did switch from one CAD system to another, it was a long, expensive process involving retraining and procedures to be sure that we maintained the model files on both systems, even if the drawing was only maintained on one.

Thank you,

Ben H. Loosli

I attended the Planet PTC Live event in Las Vegas and was using Creo 1.0 last Monday. I recieved my DVD's today and upgraded my license to accept the new software for install.

Some things I wanted to get out of the way.

Creo 1.0 is not Wildfire 6 with a new name. It's a new Design software from PTC that uses the same Granite engine under it. Pro/ENGINEER was always powerful but very difficult to use.

Creo 1.0 is using the same Engine but on a completely new Framework. It's like using the same Ferrari engine on a new Chassis, with new body work, seats, dashboard and functions. It's a new car with the same powerful engine. This new car is easier to use and has modern features on it.

If you are on Maintenance, Creo 1.0 does not cost you anything. You arleady own it. This is true for all the extensions you currently own. They will migrate over to Creo 1.0 as extensions and some of them will become stand alone apps in later versions.

Creo 1.0 does not implement all the apps or technology PTC has lined up for this new Design software, but it has been under development for 2 years with over 100 Million Dollars invested in it. I don't think it's going to be an unfinished product that requires us to wait for version 2 or 3. Creo 2.0 will be coming out in 6 months because some of the other apps will be available and ready for the new framework at that time.

I saw a chart at Planet PTC Live were it showed a maintenance release already scheduled for Creo 1.0

I used it and created some parts with Creo 1.0 and my impression was very possitve. I actually think PTC is doing things differently with Creo and they have their passion back for Design software. I found Creo 1.0 easier to use than Wildfire 5 by a long shot and the search function built into it allows you to quickly search for any command you want and it locates it on the Ribbon for you and then highlights it.

I was very impressed with the amount of work that went into the UI and the powerful search function that would make it easier to learn and adopt.

Is it perfect? No software is perfect but I feel that PTC is really standing behind this product and their new vision. I walked away with the feeling that PTC actually believes in this product launch, they have a new vision to regain the crown in Design software and they are excited about what is in the works for future releases.

You had to be there to get the vibe I felt but I talked to many others and they felt the same way.

Creo 1.0 is a fantastic direction for PTC's Design software and I once again feel confident with partnering with PTC moving forward. I could not say that before the event but this is how I feel toady.

Will we find bugs? Yes we will find bugs. All software has bugs, but I think it's a far better product than anything they have done in the past.

It only took me 5 minutes to find the "Menu Manager" in Creo 1.0 which made me upset. I do believe it will be ironed out quickly in order to meet their Unified UI vision for the entire product line. PTC needs to find the few commands that are lingering in the code that are not yet converted to the new Creo code and fix them fast. If they want to convey this new UI shift, they need to kill all traces of old commands that use the Menu Manager. I will be keeping a close eye on this and hold PTC to what they promised. I will continue to play with Creo 1.0 and see if I can find any other commands that have the dreaded Menu Manager. I hope it's only a rare occurace on this nice new UI.

Some of the Icons also need to be updated because they look like 8-bit graphics. They need to take the time to polish things up in Creo 2.0 and make all the icons Hi-Res. It may be a small thing but it makes it look cheap at times and they should address this.

You can say that Creo 2.0 will be a more complete launch of the new platform, but I think Creo 1.0 is good enough for many companies to jump on and run with. Just don't expect perfection and you will be fine.

Bottom Line: I like what I saw, what I experience and the direction PTC is taking. I am looking forward in running Creo 1.0 and will keep an eye out for all future enhancments that are in the works.

"Too many people walk around like Clark Kent, because they don't realize they can Fly like Superman"

I have an update after playing with Creo 1.0 a bit more.

Although I like the direction PTC is heading with Creo 1.0 and I do understand why you want to keep the same Engine (Granite) that was used on Pro/ENGINEER, I can't for the life of me get over the old code still living in Creo 1.0

I have now found MANY features that are using the Pro/ENGINEER 2001 UI or Code and it's a HUGE turn off. I was expecting something new with Creo 1.0, a fresh start with a new clean and easy to use UI. The more I see the Menu Manager prestent in Creo 1.0 the more let down I am that this is NOT what I was thinking.

I though Creo 1.0 was a complete overhaul of the UI with some major changes that make the software easier to use than anything before it. That's partiually true, but the Pro/ENGINEER Menu Manger is alive and well in Creo 1.0 just like in Wildfire before it.

I am so turned off by this, that I am afraid of letting any of my users touch it or see it because it would shatter their hopes on getting something completely new when it comes to the UI.

I will continue taking Creo 1.0 for a spin and I do like what I am seeing, but the Menu Manager was a reminder of something that was so broken that it's hard for me to swallow it. The Menu Manager MUST DIE if PTC wants to claim that Creo is a uniformed UI across all their apps. It's not Unified in Creo 1.0 so I hope the Menu Manager dies completely in Creo 2.0

Just had to be honest once more with my thoughts on using it.

"Too many people walk around like Clark Kent, because they don't realize they can Fly like Superman"

I had to opportunity to try out Creo 1.0 at the conference last week for an extended period of time (I attended the after-conferece Wildfire 5 to Creo 1 Update class). This new version looks to be a massive improvement over previous releases. The ribbon UI has been implemented throughout the software, but it is nowhere near as bad as it was in WF5. You are able to select objects and features without having to be in that ribbon tab section...mostly. In drawing mode there are still a few items (tables, for example) that require you to be in the correct tab to select. In addition, may features that were still sitting in a Menu Manager (most of sheetmetal) have been moved to the dashboard. I could go on and on with all of the improvements.

That said, I do caution anyone moving to Creo 1.0 to be wary. Durning the class, we had several different CTDs (crash to desktop). All of these were repeatable and all of the ones that I worked with could be traced back to value entry into dashboard items. In most cases, this was when initially setting up a feature. If you entered a value into a box and did not press [ENTER], the value would not take (box went blank) and the automatic feature regeneration that is present in Creo would try to build with a non-existant value and crash the program. All of the features where this happened were new to the dashboard in Creo 1.0, so I am hoping that they will get some priority and be fixed in the next maintainance release.

I do want to make sure everyone knows that despite finding the Menu Manager in Creo 1.0 and being disappointed about that. I still think Creo 1.0 is great and enjoyable to use. Like Lawrence said, it's a major improvement on both Drawing and Modeling modes, the UI is universal across Drawing, Modeling and even Sketcher.

Lawerence makes a good point about being careful with running Creo 1.0 full time without first testing it for these type of crashes or bugs. I am very happy in the direction PTC is taking and I do belive they have a new vision that we can get exctied about. This is not to say the road will be smooth but at least it's on a road that is going somewhere. 🙂

"Too many people walk around like Clark Kent, because they don't realize they can Fly like Superman"

Wanted to add a quick Youtube video that shows the Menu Manager in Creo 1.0

Some have been asking me if the Menu Manager only comes up when editing old parts and the answer is no. I am only using brand new models in Creo 1.0 during my evaluation/testing. So the Menu Manager is active for new models in Creo 1.0

Here is the video:

"Too many people walk around like Clark Kent, because they don't realize they can Fly like Superman"

Hi all,

We have some cases where we need to convert models from one software to another (like ProE to SW or vice versa). I'm a ProE user who has little experience in SW and saw the feature recognition module of SW during a demo. After importing a model (iges, stp, etc) into SW, it looked like you had to "touch" (like in redefine) the feature you wanted to convert in order to turn it into an actual intelligent feature (If I remember correctly, it was at that point where you could reference other surfaces there by creating a parent child relationship). I tried it with SW2010, and while importing, was asked if I wanted to convert features, but unfortunately I don't have the needed feature recognition module.
I know little about how good the SW feature recognition functionality actually is, and realize this is something many CAD programs are probably trying to move towards with maybe some success. We're on WF2, hoping to move to either 5 or Creo 1 in the near future. Do more recent versions of ProE have anything that resemble feature recognition of imported objects, even if only partially?


Apparently whatever it was, was not recognized...

Hi all,

Looks like this email went out empty the first time. Second attempt.

We have some cases where we need to convert models from one software to another (like ProE to SW or vice versa). I'm a ProE user who has little experience in SW and saw the feature recognition module of SW during a demo. After importing a model (iges, stp, etc) into SW, it looked like you had to "touch" (like in redefine) the feature you wanted to convert in order to turn it into an actual intelligent feature (If I remember correctly, it was at that point where you could reference other surfaces there by creating a parent child relationship). I tried it with SW2010, and while importing, was asked if I wanted to convert features, but unfortunately I don't have the needed feature recognition module.
I know little about how good the SW feature recognition functionality actually is, and realize this is something many CAD programs are probably trying to move towards with maybe some success. We're on WF2, hoping to move to either 5 or Creo 1 in the near future. Do more recent versions of ProE have anything that resemble feature recognition of imported objects, even if only partially?


That's a good question. I know that Pro/e does a great job of converting DXFs but I am not real sure about Iges

Michael P. Locascio


Hi Stefan,

WF4 has feature recognition as a free add-on download from PTC. In WF5 it is included in the installer.

In Reply to Stefan Mueller:

Hi all,

Looks like this email went out empty the first time. Second attempt.

We have some cases where we need to convert models from one software to another (like ProE to SW or vice versa). I'm a ProE user who has little experience in SW and saw the feature recognition module of SW during a demo. After importing a model (iges, stp, etc) into SW, it looked like you had to "touch" (like in redefine) the feature you wanted to convert in order to turn it into an actual intelligent feature (If I remember correctly, it was at that point where you could reference other surfaces there by creating a parent child relationship). I tried it with SW2010, and while importing, was asked if I wanted to convert features, but unfortunately I don't have the needed feature recognition module.
I know little about how good the SW feature recognition functionality actually is, and realize this is something many CAD programs are probably trying to move towards with maybe some success. We're on WF2, hoping to move to either 5 or Creo 1 in the near future. Do more recent versions of ProE have anything that resemble feature recognition of imported objects, even if only partially?


Bjarne Frandsen

(Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 M170andWindchill 9.1M020 on Windows)

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