I want to turn dual dim on but only for certain dims on a drawing. I found directions to turn them on for the whole drawing but i only want them for one maybe 2 dims in my drawing how do i do that?
ANSI standards dictate that if you have dual dimensioning on any single print in the package then it's required on all sheets - unfortunately. PTC follows ANSI standards.
See this thread where that text was taken from for more comments.
There's no way to turn on dual dims for a specific dimension, but if you desperately need to have the alternate units on a dimension, you could calculate the values using a parameter, then add the calculated values to the dimension by editing the dimension text. For example, say I've got a dimension D1 in inches, and I also want it in millimeters. I can calculate the mm value as something like:
D1mm = D1 * 25.4
Then, in the text of my dimension, I can cause the calculated mm value to show by making it look like:
@D [&D1mm]