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Creo/Elements 5 M090:
I am curious to knowif anyone is experiencing the same behavior as I am with regard to saving Scenes, Lights and Rooms. I go to all the trouble of setting upa scene, lights and a room, spend the time tweaking everything just right and I save my scene. I thought I was safe. But upon opening the model again later in a new session, I open my saved scene and it is not what I saved. In fact, it looks like all the default settings again.
I have done it three times to eliminate Operator Error and Old Brain Syndrome.
Am I the only one?
I should have tried a fourth time as it has been proven to be Operator Error and Old Brain Syndrome simultaneously.
The "Save" optiondoes not do what one would think it would. Rooms, Lights and Effects must be Exported and in turn Imported to get back all the hard work.
Carry On....