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Windchill Path Problem


Windchill Path Problem

Found a strange problem today... hope someone else has seen it and knows how to solve it.

Environment: WF 4.0 M150, Windchill 9.1

I've got a good, clean working All is good there, or so I think. I've got paths for my start part and start assembly. These are located in a Windchill cabinet. I can start a fresh new part or assembly and it finds the start files no problem. However, when I try to CREATE a new part in an assembly, Pro/E suddenly can't find the start part file. What I noticed was the path looked strange in my message window. All the slashes in the path were now back slashes, instead of forward slashes. I don't know if this syntax discrepancy has anything to do with this, but it's my best guess. The message window shows the correct path when I start a new part or assembly.

Anyone have any ideas? If I use the browse button in the Creation Options dialog window, I can navigate to the file just fine. It's a work-around, but no an ideal solution.



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