Hi alls,
Very big question for a very long time :
What kind of mouse are you using ???
I'm using Logitech mice for several years but I'm not very happy with middle button that's offently used in ProE.
I think it's hard to just click and not go neither right nor left in the same time.
I can't understant why Logitech don't let me choose what action to assign on each button.
So I installed UberOption driver that allow me to set an other button for middle click.
Since Setpoint 4.8 Logitech driver, Uberoptions doesn't works anymore.
So, I'm wondering
- if there is another software that let me assign middle click on the button I choose.
- if a new mouse (like G700) would let me choose to assign the buttons as I want.
- if there is another mice brend that could let me do this.
Thanks for any advices,
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