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Community Tip - You can change your system assigned username to something more personal in your community settings. X


To All,

We have a, & config.sup that are all copied via a script file embedded in the start up command. If a local & is preferred by any user, does it just have to be loaded into the start up dir? Or is there more to it to override the the script?

Any help would be greatly appreicated,

Charlie Graham

Stryker Spine Allendale, NJ

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From the Pro/e help pages

How Pro/ENGINEER Reads Configuration Files at Startup

Pro/ENGINEER reads configuration files automatically from several areas. If
a particular option is present in more than one configuration file,
Pro/ENGINEER applies the most recently loaded/read setting.

At startup, Pro/ENGINEER first reads in a protected system configuration
file called config.sup. It then searches for and reads in configuration
files (,, from the following directories
in the following order:

1. loadpoint/text (loadpoint is the Pro/ENGINEER installation directory)
- Your system administrator may have put configuration files in this
location to support company standards for windows configuration settings,
formats and libraries. Any user starting Pro/ENGINEER from this loadpoint
uses the values in this file.

2. Login directory - This is the home directory for your login ID.
Placing your configuration files here lets you start Pro/ENGINEER from any
directory without having a copy of the files in each directory.

3. Startup directory - This is your current or working directory when you
start Pro/ENGINEER.

You should have your script copy the files to the ProE loadpoint text directory. Then the user can have their own in the startup directory.

xcopy "P:\configs\loadpoint\configs\*" "C:\ptc\proeWildfire 4.0\text" /y /r
attrib +R "C:\ptc\proeWildfire 4.0\text\"
attrib +R "C:\ptc\proeWildfire 4.0\text\config.sup"
attrib +R "C:\ptc\proeWildfire 4.0\text\"
del "%USERPROFILE%\pro\wf4_home\*trail.*"
"C:\ptc\proeWildfire 4.0\bin\proe.exe"

1. Copy all the files from some location to the ProE loadpoint. Force it to overwrite existing files

2. Set the config files you just copied to the loadpoint to read only

3. Delete old trail files

4. Startup ProE

Create a shortcut of this script, and change the start in directory to a directory specific to that client. In the example above that would be %USERPROFILE%\pro\wf4_home

David Haigh
Phone: 925-424-3931
Fax: 925-423-7496
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
7000 East Ave, L-362
Livermore, CA 94550

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