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Curious if anyone has come up with a screen capture program that does NOT require admin permission to run. I am spoiled using my purchased version of SnagIT, but am afraid it won't be allowed by "IT" administrators at my new contract employment.
Alternatively, what is the quickest/least painful way to use "PRINT SCREEN"... I can paste it into PowerPoint and then crop the image, and then cut and paste that into an email... but is there a better way?
thanks in advance...
I use alt-printscreen, and the snipping tool too.
However I get best results from a mapkey that I wrote to: Change ProE background to white, export a .tiff @ 200 dpi and 24-bit color, to the windows folder "My Documents", and reset the reset background.It workson Wildfire3 zmd Wildfire4 (below)
mapkey tf @MAPKEY_NAMEExport Tiff File;@MAPKEY_LABELtiff image;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1`1 `View`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `main_dlg_cur` `View.HideCascadeBtn`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Close `main_dlg_cur` `View.HideCascadeBtn`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `main_dlg_cur` `View.cb_view_advanced`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Close `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Close `main_dlg_cur` `View.cb_view_advanced`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `psh_util_colors_sys`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `color_scheme` `MenuBar2`1 `MenuScheme`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Close `color_scheme` `MenuBar2`;~ Activate `color_scheme` `Scheme2`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `color_scheme` `OK`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `ProCmdModelSaveAs.file`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Open `file_saveas` `type_option`;~ Close `file_saveas` `type_option`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `file_saveas` `type_option`1 `db_563`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `file_saveas` `mydocs_pb`;~ Activate `file_saveas` `OK`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ FocusIn `UI Message Dialog` `ok`;~ Activate `UI Message Dialog` `ok`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Open `shd_img_param` `o_dpi`;~ Close `shd_img_param` `o_dpi`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `shd_img_param` `o_dpi`1 `dpi200`;~ Open `shd_img_param` `o_depth`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Close `shd_img_param` `o_depth`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `shd_img_param` `o_depth`1 `depth24`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `shd_img_param` `OK`;~ Select `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1`1 `View`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `main_dlg_cur` `View.cb_view_advanced`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Close `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Close `main_dlg_cur` `View.cb_view_advanced`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `psh_util_colors_sys`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Select `color_scheme` `MenuBar2`1 `MenuScheme`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Close `color_scheme` `MenuBar2`;~ Activate `color_scheme` `Scheme1`;\
mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `color_scheme` `OK`;
Justa quick note on Greenshot, which was recommended. Don't use the normal installer download .exe file. It will ask for admin permission (in windows 7). HOWEVER, if you go to the older version files, there are non-installer zip files that you can un-zip into a directly and run Greenshot directly. No admin permissions required... (found this solution google searching on installing greenshot without admin permissions)