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I ran into a problem that prevents exporting a variant sandbox into a .pjx file with the following error message:
The sandbox has been created with the si command:
si createsandbox --nopopulate --noopenView --devpath=DP_1_xyz__ --project=xyz__/Main/project.pj --batch --quiet --yes L:\sb\variant\testVSBfromCmd
This problem somehow does not happen if the sandbox is created from the Integrity GUI, so i took a look on the information from the sandboxinfo command.
1. If the sandbox is created from the command line interface (CLI):
2. If the sandbox is created from the Integrity GUI with the same development path:
The difference between two sandboxes is only #forceJump in the Configuration Path.
Does anyone have the same problem or how could i put this #forceJump with a command into the configuration path of the sandbox , which has been created from CLI? I did some search on this forum but could not find anything related to this.