I am experiencing slow performance in opening a sandbox. What can be done to resolve this?
Hi Yogesh,
I'd suggest opening up a Support case to look into this, as there could be a few different factors that could be causing this. Your local client/memory/machine, the size of the project that the sandbox is being created/opened against, server performance/tuning, network, etc.
does clearing the cache help?
or I need to increase the value for cache?
Are you seeing any cache related errors or warnings in the server's or client's log file? If so, maybe it could be contributing to that, but if not, I doubt that is related.
Also do you need to create a sandbox on the entire project or perhaps just create your sandbox on a subproject
Agree 100% with Lance. Based on past experience as well as from PTC support. You should use sub-projects instead of folders. This way you sync only the sub-projects you request and do not sync needless folders of unneeded source files.
Following thread might be also interesting here
in MKS Source : Transforming a folder in subproject
Some time ago I came to the idea to generate a batch file for this with following approach:
gen_folder_as_project_batch.bat |
set FOLDERNAME=src si print -R --revision=:member --format="si addmemberfromarchive --cpid=:none --archive \"{archivename}\" --revision={memberrev} --createsubprojects \"{membername}\" & pause \n" --noHeaderFormat --noTrailerFormat --filter=file:"%FOLDERNAME%/*" > "%FOLDERNAME%_ as_project.bat" |
Please review yourself.
This example will generate "src_as_project.bat"
HTH Jürgen