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Hi all,
I created a "regular" project and I added few "shared subprojects" Now I'm trying to share this project in other projects.
This is the project structure
ProjectToBeShared (this one has is own *.pj file)
|-- SharedProject1 (shared project does not have a *pj file)
|-Subproject1 (it has its own *pj file)
|- Subproject2 (it has its own *pj file)
|- Subproject3 (it has its own *pj file)
|-SharedProject2(shared project 2 does not have a *pj file)
... and so on
So the main question is: How I can share the complete my "ProjectToBeShared" project.
I tried to add by using the " Add shared subproject..." command, but I needed to select a folder to place the "ProjectToBeShared". I need to add it in the root of the new project.
Best regards
Hello Ivan,
It can be added as a subproject of the root project using the process you have described. Unfortunately, after trying otherwise, I don't think you can share a project to the root of another project.