Hi, The application Log gets multiple times a minute this message:
"Failed to dispatch the event. Invalid Thing in the Event or Thing got deleted Type.Thing:Entity.PersistentSessione1f7a041-a8fd-46f2-90f3-7f7bb03fa880:Event.AnyDataChange:PersistentSessione1f7a041-a8fd-46f2-90f3-7f7bb03fa880"
Does anyone know where to look for a cause?, the information in de Warning doesn't tell me where to look.
Origin says: c.t.s.s.e.QueuedEvents + Thread: websocket background processing + User : SuperUser
Best regards,
Hi @EM_10066743 , Can you please confirm the ThingWorx version on which you are encountering the error .
would it be possible for you to share the tomcat and the ThingWorx's application, communication & error logs?
Is this reproducible even after restart of the tomcat server? Which persistence provider are you working with?
Is this happening while viewing a mashup which calls the GetProperties service with Automatically update values when able enabled .
Hi, Thank you for your reply, TW version 9.3.8.
I dont know what is the cause so not reproducible we have quit a large project with lots off users, there are 5 log records every second with this message.
Best regards,
Was there a resolution for this? I'm getting the same error and I'm not sure if it's what's causing my problems.
Hi, No i did not get a solution for this yet.
Hi @EM_10066743.
The logs indicate a number of permissions issues. This article may help with that. Once you address that issue, if you're still seeing some errors, you can turn on debug and stack trace for a short timeframe to possibly capture more information.