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Right now, I am able to update the data from sensors connected to Intel Edison and display it in ThingWorx mashup. What's the procedure to log the data sent in this regard ?
Do share your insights !
You are going to want to setup a Stream or ValueStream on the Thing that is accepting the data from the sensors. Each property you want to log will also need to have the "Logged" option selected when editing the property. Hope that helps. Meg
Yup ! I do get it. But could you please elaborate the procedure. I wish to get the .json file at the end.
By .json at the end, do you want to export your entire data in a .json format? Please do take a look at the Help Center's Value Streams section. Once you add a Value Stream to your Remote Thing and sent the sensor properties to logged, they should start logging to the said Value Stream.
Ya got it. Thanks !