Web socket not connecting ..
Is the port open in the firewall for inbound and outbound connections?
A couple more things to check in the configuration:
Thanks Polina,,could I know where these configurations changes being done?? I did not see them in source code (main.c)...pls help Iam newbie to Thingworx
Apologies, I thought you were using dotnet rather than C SDK. The path tw-c-sdk\src\config contains the two files, config and default settings. You may find the similar fields there, for socketreadtimeout DEFAULT_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT 100. Please refer to the helpcenter for the detailed instruction guide http://support.ptc.com/help/thingworx_hc/thingworx_edge/#page/twx_edge_cs_hc%2Fcsdk_topics%2Fc_csdk_install_navigating_dirs.html
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