I don't understand the thingworx thing template~~ As the doc said , ThingWorx things are derived from thing templates. So, I create a thing with a template build by myself . The template own both properties and thing shape with properties. And , I try to update the template's properties via C SDK function :twApi_PushProperties(TW_THINGTEMPLATES, SDSTemplateName, proplist, -1, FALSE) to push the properties from my application to the thingworx platform.
but there have some erro like blow when my program running :
And there have nothing post to the template properties :
Can anyone tell me the correct way to update my template's properties!!
yi huang, Thing Templates provide base functionality with properties, services, events, and subscriptions that Thing instances use in their execution.
When a Thing is created using a ThingTemplate it inherits all its properties, services, events, and subscriptions. So, its basically that Thing's properties, services, events, and subscriptions. So, we need to update the Thing's properties.
Hello, Ankit:
So, you mean that I can only update the properties define by ThingTemplate via update the Thing created using a ThingTemplate?
In another way, I should Register the properties with ThingTeplate entityType and entityName , But update them using a thing entityType and entityName? Just like that process:
1、Initialize the API.
2、register properties define by ThingTemplate . { twApi_RegisterProperty(TW_THINGTEMPLATES, SDSTemplateName, "SerialNumber", TW_STRING, NULL, "ALWAYS", 0, SDSpropertyHandler, NULL)}
3、bind the thing. {twApi_BindThing(thingName);}
4、connected to server. {twApi_Connect(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, CONNECT_RETRIES)}
5、start to update my device properties to the thing in the platform. {twApi_PushProperties(TW_THING, thingName, proplist, -1, FALSE);}
And I try above method,there also meet the same error in my first question(I forget to post picture):
Looking forward to your reply!
Have you bind your Thingworx Properties to C EMS ?
Hello ,Mayank:
thank you for reply!
I am a new of thingworx, so, I don't know what you said "EMS"? I using C SDK in my device and connected to the thingworx platform.
I know I should bind a thing before connected to server , and I have done. It is work normally when I build a thing using the platform own ThingTemplate like RemoteThing ThingTemplate. But there have some error when I create a thing using ThingTemplate build by myself. So, What is your suggestion?