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How to give the file path as input parameter to a service in creating extensions.


How to give the file path as input parameter to a service in creating extensions.


I am trying to create an extension(Thing template with one service) which is used to read the data in an Excel file and convert it to Json. My problem is I don't know how to get file path from the user as input parameter to the service. I have attached the code below. If I give the whole file path in the java code itself, extension is working fine. But,If I try to get file path from the user my result after executing the service is blank. Anybody help me with this.


Accepted Solutions

Solved the issue by correcting the file path. I gave the full file path i.e. starting  from "C:\\.....". Thanks for your reply

View solution in original post

22-Sapphire I

You probably want to log it out, but most likely the input specified as a parameter isn't 'arriving' in the same form.

You could try to give the input with " quotes around it from your user input. Maybe even use things like %20 etc. for spaces.


Sorry, I don't understand why I need to Logout. I am executing the service in Composer only.

The code I have written in java is


package newExcelToJson;

import com.thingworx.logging.LogUtilities;
import com.thingworx.metadata.annotations.ThingworxBaseTemplateDefinition;
import com.thingworx.metadata.annotations.ThingworxServiceDefinition;
import com.thingworx.metadata.annotations.ThingworxServiceParameter;
import com.thingworx.metadata.annotations.ThingworxServiceResult;
import com.thingworx.things.Thing;

import net.sf.json.JSONObject;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

@ThingworxBaseTemplateDefinition(name = "GenericThing")
public class ReadExcelDataWithDynamicColumn extends Thing {

private static Logger _logger = LogUtilities.getInstance()

public ReadExcelDataWithDynamicColumn() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

@ThingworxServiceDefinition(name = "readExcelAsJson", description = "", category = "", isAllowOverride = false, aspects = {
"isAsync:false" })
@ThingworxServiceResult(name = "result", description = "", baseType = "STRING", aspects = {})
public String readExcelAsJson(
@ThingworxServiceParameter(name = "path", description = "", baseType = "STRING") String path) {
_logger.trace("Entering Service: readExcelAsJson");


String jsonString = "hi";

/* First need to open the file. */
FileInputStream fInputStream = new FileInputStream("/Thingworx/Things/ExcelRepository/"+path);

/* Create the workbook object to access excel file. */
Workbook excelWorkBook = new XSSFWorkbook(fInputStream)
/* Because this example use .xls excel file format, so it should use HSSFWorkbook class. For .xlsx format excel file use XSSFWorkbook class.*/;
//Workbook excelWorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook(fInputStream);

// Get all excel sheet count.
int totalSheetNumber = excelWorkBook.getNumberOfSheets();

// Get current sheet.
Sheet sheet = excelWorkBook.getSheetAt(0);

// Get sheet name.
String sheetName = sheet.getSheetName();

if(sheetName != null && sheetName.length() > 0)
// Get current sheet data in a list table.
List<List<String>> sheetDataTable = getSheetDataList(sheet);

// Generate JSON format of above sheet data and write to a JSON file.
jsonString = getJSONStringFromList(sheetDataTable);



}catch(Exception ex){

_logger.trace("Exiting Service: readExcelAsJson");

return jsonString;


/* Return sheet data in a two dimensional list.
* Each element in the outer list is represent a row,
* each element in the inner list represent a column.
* The first row is the column name row.*/
private static List<List<String>> getSheetDataList(Sheet sheet)
List<List<String>> ret = new ArrayList<List<String>>();

// Get the first and last sheet row number.
int firstRowNum = sheet.getFirstRowNum();
int lastRowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum();

if(lastRowNum > 0)
// Loop in sheet rows.
for(int i=firstRowNum; i<lastRowNum + 1; i++)
// Get current row object.
Row row = sheet.getRow(i);

// Get first and last cell number.
int firstCellNum = row.getFirstCellNum();
int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();

// Create a String list to save column data in a row.
List<String> rowDataList = new ArrayList<String>();

// Loop in the row cells.
for(int j = firstCellNum; j < lastCellNum; j++)
// Get current cell.
Cell cell = row.getCell(j);

// Get cell type.
int cellType = cell.getCellType();

if(cellType == CellType.NUMERIC.getCode())
double numberValue = cell.getNumericCellValue();

// BigDecimal is used to avoid double value is counted use Scientific counting method.
// For example the original double variable value is 12345678, but jdk translated the value to 1.2345678E7.
String stringCellValue = BigDecimal.valueOf(numberValue).toPlainString();


}else if(cellType == CellType.STRING.getCode())
String cellValue = cell.getStringCellValue();
}else if(cellType == CellType.BOOLEAN.getCode())
boolean numberValue = cell.getBooleanCellValue();

String stringCellValue = String.valueOf(numberValue);


}else if(cellType == CellType.BLANK.getCode())

// Add current row data list in the return list.
return ret;

/* Return a JSON string from the string list. */
private static String getJSONStringFromList(List<List<String>> dataTable)
String ret = "";

if(dataTable != null)
int rowCount = dataTable.size();

if(rowCount > 1)
// Create a JSONObject to store table data.
JSONObject tableJsonObject = new JSONObject();

// The first row is the header row, store each column name.
List<String> headerRow = dataTable.get(0);

int columnCount = headerRow.size();

// Loop in the row data list.
for(int i=1; i<rowCount; i++)
// Get current row data.
List<String> dataRow = dataTable.get(i);

// Create a JSONObject object to store row data.
JSONObject rowJsonObject = new JSONObject();

for(int j=0;j<columnCount;j++)
String columnName = headerRow.get(j);
String columnValue = dataRow.get(j);

rowJsonObject.put(columnName, columnValue);

tableJsonObject.put("Row " + i, rowJsonObject);

// Return string format data of JSONObject object.
ret = tableJsonObject.toString();

return ret;




After Building and importing this extension in Thingworx am getting the result as "hi". So I feel it is not able to go inside the file path.

FileInputStream fInputStream = new FileInputStream("/Thingworx/Things/ExcelRepository/"+path);

Can you tell me whether the format of the path above is correct or not?

22-Sapphire I

'log out' I mean use some logger statements to see what it believes the input parameter is that is received.


the path you list is correct to get to the file as a browser link


not sure if you can use any of the OOTB Repository services to load your file (LoadJSON, LoadBinary, LoadText, LoadXML, and LoadImage)


Solved the issue by correcting the file path. I gave the full file path i.e. starting  from "C:\\.....". Thanks for your reply

22-Sapphire I

Glad you solved it, hard coding the drive is probably not the ideal solution.

There are a few extensions out there that you could 'deconstruct' to see how they do the relative reference.

Parsley / csv parser come to mind


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