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I want to pass json data to GetJSON service through params.
Rest URL: "http://localhost:8080/PumpCurveAnalytics/PumpAnalytics/BaselineJsonData/FlowVsBHP/4"
var params = {
proxyScheme: undefined /* STRING */,
headers: undefined /* JSON */,
ignoreSSLErrors: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,
useNTLM: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,
workstation: undefined /* STRING */,
useProxy: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,
withCookies: undefined /* BOOLEAN */,
proxyHost: undefined /* STRING */,
url: "http://localhost:8080/PumpCurveAnalytics/PumpAnalytics/BaselineJsonData/FlowVsBHP/4" /* STRING */,
timeout: undefined /* NUMBER */,
proxyPort: undefined /* INTEGER */,
password: undefined /* STRING */,
domain: undefined /* STRING */,
username: undefined /* STRING */
// result: JSON
var jsonData = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].GetJSON(params);
Is there any way to achieve this functionality?
Hi Rohit Kumar Jaiswal,
Are you trying to POST the data to some external System/Application OR trying to Retrieve data from some external System/Application?
I want to get JSON data from Rest URL: "http://localhost:8080/PumpCurveAnalytics/PumpAnalytics/BaselineJsonData/FlowVsBHP/4 and also want to pass JSON data to this webservice while using GetJSON service.
In url you can see I am passing 4 as a parameter to Rest Webservice so like this way I want to pass json string also while using GetJson service.
Rohit Kumar Jaiswal This service will help you to get Json data as service output is that what you want? or want to Post somewhere else? as Ankit Gupta mentioned?
I want to get JSON data from Rest URL: "http://localhost:8080/PumpCurveAnalytics/PumpAnalytics/BaselineJsonData/FlowVsBHP/4 and also want to pass JSON data to this webservice (external application) while using GetJSON service.
In url you can see I am passing 4 as a parameter to Rest Web service so like this way I want to pass json string also while using GetJson service.
Please help me
To get data form using getJson you need to provide
var params = {
// headers: undefined,//"{'data'}" /* JSON */,
ignoreSSLErrors: true /* BOOLEAN */,
useProxy: true /* BOOLEAN */,
proxyHost: "Ip" /* STRING */,
url:"http://localhost:8080/PumpCurveAnalytics/PumpAnalytics/BaselineJsonData/FlowVsBHP/4" /* STRING */,
timeout: 500 /* NUMBER */,
proxyPort: 8080 /* INTEGER */,
password: "Password" /* STRING */,
username: "Username" /* STRING */
// result: JSON
var result = Resources["ContentLoaderFunctions"].GetJSON(params);