Installing ThingWorx 8.0 H2 on Mac OS
● Java JDK 8
● ThingWorx Core 8.0 H2
● ThingWorx Core License
Download Tomcat
1. Goto ⇒ Under "Tomcat 8.5.{xx} Released" (where { xx }
is the latest upgrade number) ⇒ Downloads ⇒ Scroll Down Past “8.5.{xx}” ⇒ Under
"8.0.{xx}"⇒ Binary distribution ⇒ Core ⇒ " tar.gz " package (e.g.,
"apache-tomcat-8.0.{ xx }. tar.gz ", about 9 MB).
Make sure to download Tomcat 8.0.xx NOT 8.5.xx
Install Tomcat
1. Go to "~/Downloads", double-click the downloaded tarball (e.g.,
"apache-tomcat-8.0.{ xx }.tar.gz") to expand it into a folder (e.g.,
"apache-tomcat-8.0.{ xx }").
2.Move the extracted folder (e.g., "apache-tomcat-8.0.{ xx }") to "/Applications".
3.For ease of use, we will shorten and rename this folder to "tomcat".
Take note of Your Tomcat Installed Directory . I’ll assume you placed it in Applications/tomcat
for the rest of guide.
Configure Tomcat
1. Open “Applications/tomcat/conf”
2. Open server.xml
3. Replace
protocol=“HTTP/1.1” WITH protocol=“org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol”
4. Save and close the file.
5. Open tomcat-users.xml
6. Add the following at the end of the file above </tomcat-users>
<role rolename=“manager-gui” />
<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="standard, manager-gui, admin" />
8. Save and close the file
9. Go to “Tomcat/bin”
10. Open “”
11. Find the following:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catalina.webresources"
12. Below this line add:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.library.path=‘/Applications/tomcat/webapps/Thingworx/WEB-INF/extensions'"
13. Save and close the file.
Test Tomcat
1. Open a terminal
2. Run this command “cd Applications/tomcat/bin”
3. Now run “sudo ./ run”
4. The terminal will start the tomcat server up, you should see something like this on the
terminal “Server startup in 24167 ms”
5. Open a browser and go to localhost:8080
6. You should see the Tomcat homepage
7. Now go back to the terminal and shutdown the server by pressing Control + C
* I will add a Troubleshooting section later. For now if you have problems
check “Tomcat/logs/catalina.log” to try to find out what went wrong.
Install ThingWorx
1. Open a new terminal
2. Run this command to go to your root directory “cd /“
3. Now run this “sudo mkdir ThingworxStorage” & “sudo mkdir
4. Now open this directory in Finder by running “open . “
5. Place your Thingworx License file into “ThingworxPlatform”
6. Now go to “Applications/Tomcat/webapps”
7. Place the Thingworx.war file here
8. Open a new terminal run this command “cd Applications/tomcat/bin”
9. Run “sudo ./ run”
10. Open your browser and go to localhost:8080/Thingworx
11. You’ll be prompted with a login form
12. Username: Administrator , Password: trUf6yuz2?_Gub
*For troubleshooting check out "ThingworxStorage/logs"
Congratulations you have ThingWorx running on your localhost!
Install Thingworx:
3. Now run this “sudo mkdir ThingworxStorage” & “sudo mkdir
add ThingworxBackupStorage and set permissions the same as the others.