Hello there,
I am stuck in this screen and I have no clue which should be my login details (for the first connection to the composer). twadmin, admin, Administrator or blank do not work as users with any of the passwords in the json file.
My platform-settings.json file looks as follows:
"PlatformSettingsConfig": {
"BasicSettings": {
"BackupStorage": "/ThingworxBackupStorage",
"DatabaseLogRetentionPolicy": 7,
"EnableBackup": true,
"EnableHA": false,
"EnableSystemLogging": true,
"HTTPRequestHeaderMaxLength": 2000,
"HTTPRequestParameterMaxLength": 2000,
"Storage": "/ThingworxStorage"
"AdministratorUserSettings": {
"InitialPassword": "abcdefghij"
"HASettings": {
"CoordinatorConnectionTimeout": 10000,
"CoordinatorHosts": "",
"CoordinatorMaxRetries": 3,
"CoordinatorRetryTimeout": 3000,
"CoordinatorSessionTimeout": 90000,
"LoadBalancerBase64EncodedCredentials": "QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjphZG1pbg=="
"MssqlPersistenceProviderPackage": {
"ConnectionInformation": {
"acquireIncrement": 5,
"acquireRetryAttempts": 3,
"acquireRetryDelay": 10000,
"checkoutTimeout": 1000000,
"driverClass": "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver",
"fetchSize": 5000,
"idleConnectionTestPeriod": 60,
"initialPoolSize": 5,
"jdbcUrl": "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=thingworx;applicationName=Thingworx;",
"maxConnectionAge": 0,
"maxIdleTime": 0,
"maxIdleTimeExcessConnections": 300,
"maxPoolSize": 100,
"maxStatements": 100,
"minPoolSize": 5,
"numHelperThreads": 8,
"password": "Password@123",
"testConnectionOnCheckout": false,
"unreturnedConnectionTimeout": 0,
"username": "twadmin",
"StreamProcessorSettings": {
"maximumBlockSize": 2500,
"maximumQueueSize": 250000,
"maximumWaitTime": 10000,
"numberOfProcessingThreads": 5,
"scanRate": 5,
"sizeThreshold": 1000
"ValueStreamProcessorSettings": {
"maximumBlockSize": 2500,
"maximumWaitTime": 10000,
"maximumQueueSize": 500000,
"numberOfProcessingThreads": 5,
"scanRate": 5,
"sizeThreshold": 1000
Hi @rgc.
There is an error in your .json file--recommend using a validator (there are many available online). Specifically, you need to remove the comma at the end of the username statement under "MssqlPersistenceProviderPackage" then restart Tomcat.
The login would be Administrator with the password you indicated in the .json file--assuming it wasn't already created in the database with a different password. Is this a new install or an upgrade?
If you still have issues after making this correction, please let us know.
If my response has answered your question, please mark as Accepted Solution, for the benefit of others who may have the same question.
Hi slangley,
Thank you for pointing out the typo. I don't know if there is a later corrected version but the typo come from copypasting the official doc appendix: Getting_Started_with_MS_SQL_Server_and_ThingWorx_1_172634.pdf.
I run a validator and now it seems to be ok.
But I am getting this error in the logs when I start Tomcat (and ThingworxStorage folder is not being created):
*** CRITICAL ERROR ON STARTUP: Table [AdministratorUserSettings] does not exist
ThingworxStorage folder should exist before starting Tomcat.
Please create ThingworxStorage folder, then restart Tomcat and let us know if you receive same error.
Thank you,
Raluca Edu
same problem yes. If I delete the json file ThinworxStorage folder is created automatically when starting Tomcat. So as Tomcat fails when json is pointing to mssql, I guess its a configuration/connection problem with mssql?
Hi @rgc.
There is also a driver that is needed when connecting to SQL Server. Page 24 of the documentation may provide some assistance: https://www.ptc.com/support/-/media/D943AA1585F442E1A11041BF6F060D93.pdf?sc_lang=en
Please let us know if you still have issues. If so, I recommend we open a case for this so we can work with you via WebEx.