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While importing MQTT extension i am getting the error message as "message: Unable to decode avatar content: Can't create cache file!".I have attached the detailed errorLog.txt here.
Thingworx version: Thingworx 7.1.1
Server version: Apache Tomcat/8.0.36
OS Name: Mac OS X
JVM Version: 1.8.0_91-b14
How to resolve this.
Where was the extension downloaded from? Please provide the source and exact version used.
MQTT extension download path :
Version: 6.5
The marketplace 'mqtt extension' has some issues (avatar image encoding) with 7.1 release, so I would recommend modifying or completely removing the <avatar>... </avatar> tags within the extension's metadata.xml file and import the extension.
Let me know if that works..
Started the tomcat server with admin user.
Now i am able to import the mqtt extension which is available in the marketplace.
Thanks for your help.
I have an error importing the extention:
"Error importing: error, Entity Import Not Supported for File Type: .zip"
Do you know how do I have to import this extention?
Are you improting this specifically as extension or just "import file"?
I was doing wrong.... noob mistake jeje