Hello Experts,
I have datatable with usercredentials stored in it and one of the field (loginPassword) is of password type which i do hash also before saving it.
loginName: loginName.toUpperCase(),
firstName: firstName,
lastName: lastName,
language: language,
emailAddress: emailAddress.toLowerCase(),
hashedLoginName: me.SHA256({
toHash: loginName.toUpperCase()
groups: groups,
loginPassword: Resources["EncryptionServices"].EncryptPropertyValue({
data: me.SHA256({
toHash: loginPassword
Now the issue is when i import this datatable to different server then the values of this field only just does not come on the new server even though other datafields are there. Its like you cannot import the field only because the basetype is password.
My query:-
1) Is there any way with which i can import this field also to another server?
2) If i change this field to string before import and also string onto new server then this field also get imported but then this password does not work as it feels like its different hasing...
Any solution in this regard?
My goal is to only take these passwords on to new server thats it.
@Rocko any suggestions in this regard?
Hi, I have a datatable and one of the field is of type PASSWORD , now i edit the field and choose string for it and i can see encrypt value of this field ...and i am saving the value in datatable using Resources["EncryptionServices"].EncryptPropertyValue(params) and now i want to see the original values of these fields. Is there any way that i can see the original values? I have written a service to get the entries as a REST API and then iterate each entry and get the field password as one long string and using ACCEPT / also but for me its still coming the same encrypted values what it shows in datatable.
my code to add password
loginName: loginName.toUpperCase(),
firstName: firstName,
lastName: lastName,
language: language,
emailAddress: emailAddress.toLowerCase(),
hashedLoginName: me.SHA256({
toHash: loginName.toUpperCase()
groups: groups,
loginPassword: Resources["EncryptionServices"].EncryptPropertyValue({
data: me.SHA256({
toHash: loginPassword
Hi @MA8731174
Thank you for your question!
Your post appears well documented but has not yet received any response. I am replying to raise awareness. Hopefully, another community member will be able to help.
Also, feel free to add any additional information you think might be relevant.
Thanks for using the Community!
Best regards,
With datatable content there is no "universal export" option which decrypts the password before export.
That is why the documentation says under "Best Practices for Importing and Exporting Passwords":