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I want to send sensor value from a arduino mega to Thingworx.
I have a thing and a service created however I got an Client got end of stream when I execute my processing program.When I am using HTTPIE (that I have found on REST API tutorial) to make a single post request it is working however when i use my processing program. I am not able to make it work.
Is there conditions to make multiple post request each time I get my data ?
Is there a way to see what happen on thingworx when I make a POST request ? Thanks in advance
I have follow this tutorial.
My code :
import http.requests.*; import*; //librarie for post request to the server import processing.serial.*; //serial connexion to arduino //import; //add for client end of stream (socket) Client myClient; // Client object Serial myPort; // The serial port final int SENSORCOUNT = 12; // This value must match SENSORCOUNT in your Arduino Code String sensorValues[] = new String[SENSORCOUNT]; String junk; String beginString = "begin"; //String myServer = "localhost"; String myServer = "";//server IP, warning don't put port number here String appKey = "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"; // xxxx are remplace in my code by my application key for admin that you have created on thingworx String thingName = "myArduinoThing"; String serviceName = "myArduinoService"; String myURI = "http -v -j POST :8080/Thingworx/Things/" + thingName + "/Services/" + serviceName + " appKey:" + appKey; //meme erreur //String myURI = "POST/Thingworx/Things/" + thingName + "/Services/" + serviceName + " appKey:" + appKey; String myHost = "Host: " + myServer; //String myContent = "Content-type: text/html\n"; we need to send json type String myContent = "Content-type: application/json\n"; String sensorNames[] = { "value1", "value2", "value3", "value4", "value5", "value6", "value7", "value8", "value9", "value10", "value11", "value12" }; //Enter your variable names (these must match the inputs in your Service) void setup() { // Print a list of the serial ports, for debugging purposes: println(Serial.list()); String portName = Serial.list()[0]; myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); //myPort = new Serial(this, "COM14", 9600); //Port number for serial to arduino myClient = new Client(this, myServer, 8080); print("my client: ",myClient); } int idx = SENSORCOUNT + 2; void draw() { if (myPort.available() > 0) { junk = null; junk = myPort.readStringUntil('\n'); // look for the initial “begin” string that Arduino sends if (junk != null) { if (beginString.equals(trim(junk))) { junk = null; idx=0; } } //Read each sensor value if ((junk != null) && (idx < SENSORCOUNT)) { sensorValues[idx] = junk; junk = null; idx++; } //When all sensor values have been read, send the info to ThingWorx if (idx == SENSORCOUNT) { // myURI=trim(myURI);// ajout print("my URI : ",myURI); myClient.write(myURI); for (int index = 0; index < SENSORCOUNT; index++) { //myClient.write("" + sensorNames[index] + "=" + trim(sensorValues[index] + " ")); myClient.write(sensorNames[index] + "=" + trim(sensorValues[index])+""); } //myClient.write(" HTTP/1.1\r\n"); print("send http"); myClient.write(myHost + "\r\n"); myClient.write(myContent + "\r\n"); println("Sending this REST call:"); print(myURI); for (int index = 0; index < SENSORCOUNT; index++) { print(" " + sensorNames[index] + "=" + trim(sensorValues[index] + " ")); } print(" HTTP/1.1\n"); print(myHost + '\n'); print(myContent + '\n'); print('\n'); idx = SENSORCOUNT + 2; } } }
Have you tried looking at the application log and adding some logger statements to the services you are calling to help with the troubleshooting?
Yes, I am looking for some help to troubleshoot my POST request.
I am new to API and post request.
When I check my application log I have only log about my thingworx metrics that i have used for some test but I no longer need it.
Is there a way to see all the request POST that happen on my server ? I didn't find how I sould use logger. Is this something I had to put on my service in the javascript code ?
When I add; on my code I have this error :
Error executing service myArduinoService. Message :: La méthode '' est introuvable - See Script Error Log for more details.
Is there a way to enable the logger ? Or is there an error on my code.
Are you putting this in the Thingworx service?
I'm not familiar with the edge agent code so I'm not sure how to enable that.
I wasn't very clear the code that I posted is for my API on processing.
And I try to put the logger on my service code below.
me.value1=parseFloat(value1); me.value2=parseFloat(value2); me.value3=parseFloat(value3); me.value4=parseFloat(value4); me.value5=parseFloat(value5); me.value6=parseFloat(value6); me.value7=parseFloat(value7); me.value8=parseFloat(value8); me.value9=parseFloat(value9); me.value10=parseFloat(value10); me.value11=parseFloat(value11); me.value12=parseFloat(value12);; var result = me.value1+me.value2+me.value3+me.value4+me.value5+me.value6+me.value7+me.value8+me.value9+me.value10+me.value11+me.value12 ;