Hi! I am trying to send data from two waspmotes to ThingWorx using the guide available from Libelium. I followed the steps exactly but I am not able to get it to contact ThingWorx servers. The devices don't show up in Unbound Connections. But when I use the ThingWorx Academic Simulator using the same Server URL, Application Key and Port, I am able to see Unbound Connections and to set it up as a remote thing.
The Meshlium can ping successfully to websites like google and facebook but not to ThingWorx.
HI @Dinesh67 this could be the limitation of the hosted trial instance, I am reaching out to the team to help you with this.
@Dinesh67 i confirmed there shouldn't be any restriction for you to connect to the said edge device, could you check the logs may be also share the error here if you can see one.