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Hi people, need your help,
Last weeek I deleted a thing, today I tried to upload my entities backup, but an error(below) appears, thats thing doest exist anymore, reading how to solve this issue, I restart TomCat to see again the thing (ghost entity) but didnt work and I tried to create again the thing(to delete again) but same message was appear, I dont know what to do, please help!
Invalid request: java.lang.Exception: Import Failed: Unable to create thing: THINGNAME : [1,018] Data store unknown error: [Error occurred while accessing the model provider.]
Read the following articles:
Hello Vladimir,
None of both worked, both has an error output
org.mozilla.javascript.UniqueTag@2209d83b: NOT_FOUND
Another one - "When running a JavaScript service an error message is seen - org.mozilla.javascript.UniqueTag@7746a5b4: NOT_FOUND":
Hi @AZ_10002894.
The entity most likely still exists in the database and will need to be cleaned up. This will require the assistance of a Support Services engineer therefore a case will be needed. Please let me know if you would like me to create the case on your behalf.
Hi @AZ_10002894.
Have you been able to resolve your issue? Did you open a support case?
Please let us know the status and if you have resolved it through the help of a case, please private message me the case number so I can post the solution here.