I just upgraded from 4.1 to 4.2 SP1. My SQL query service is failing. I did not change anything on the MSSQL server side.
Can you detail your upgrade process steps that you took, i.e. did you go through the full export, undeploy, delete dB, redeploy, import process we typically recommend? If so, did you re-import all of the extension packages (including the MSSQL Extension) prior to importing?
I did not need to save anything I had for 4.1 so here are the steps I did:
1. stopped the ThingWorx from the apache, and undeploy the old the version.
2. stop the apache service and remove the c:\ThingworxStorage and c:\ThingworxBackupStorage folders.
3. uninstall the apache older version and reinstalled the apache version 7.0.52.
4. deployed the thingworx 4.2 SP1
5. login thingworx composer and imported mssql extension. I get the mssql extension from here: [https://dl.
6. created a thing with mssqlserver thing template and configured the connection.
7. created a sql query service and I was able to see all the database tables and column. the sql query is "select * from <tablename>"
8. did a test run and failed.
new info. on this. I have another thingworx server setup v4.2.0.15. In this setup, I have a local mssql server running which all query services work ok. for kicks, I created another mssqlserver thing and pointing database connection string to the new 4.2 SP1 setup and I was able run the sql query successfully. please let me know if anything I can try so I can get the 4.2 SP1 setup working.
Hi Luwen,
This issue has been resolved in the newest build of 4.2. You can download it from the
section of the Community site.Best regards,
works great now. thank you!