When I click on documentation in ThingWorx product it redirects me to twc.thingworx.com. And I understood that this site will be decommissioned soon and will be replaced by this one. But I don't find on this one the Documentation of ThingWorx.
Could you please help on this.
What ThingWorx version are you using? Since version 6 it is forwarding to the ThingWorx Help Center on support.ptc.com
Hi I am using the 5.4 version.
So I would recommend to update your system if possible. Registered customers can reach the ThingWorx documentation at https://support.ptc.com/cs/help/thingworx_hc/thingworx_6.0_hc/
Can you confirm that this upgrade is covered by our initial licence on 5.4?
I am not aware of your licence details. Please contact your account manage for licensing questions.
Best regards