I'm working on a service which gets two dates as input(Start and End dates) and returns the entries for which the dates in a particular column lies within the input range as an infotable.
I have used a query with the "BETWEEN" type filter.
The code i used is:
var query = {
"filters": {
"fieldName": "LoanStartDate",
"type": "BETWEEN",
"from": 1483122600000,
"to": 1517337000000
var params = {
maxItems: undefined /* NUMBER */,
values: ApprovedLoanableAssets /* INFOTABLE*/,
query: query /* QUERY */,
source: me.name /* STRING */,
tags: "Keysight-Customer:"+CustomerID /* TAGS */
//result: INFOTABLE
var result = Things[CustomerID+"-LoanPoolAssetDetailDT"].QueryDataTableEntries(params);
The output is:
The output is without any entries.Yes, i have checked if there are no entries to be shown, but i'm sure that it consists of atleast one entry which coincides with the query. Can you point where i went wrong. Thanks in advance.
You had filled a lot of parameters, you are 100% sure that the other parameters are ok? I mean:
What I would do it's query for one condition ( source, or tags, or values ) and keep adding the others until you don't get anything.
Sorry for the late reply. The source parameter was wrong. Now its working fine. Thanks for ur suggestion.