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Customer wants to send data to Thingworx. By Ethernet (TCP / IP) communication method via RS-485
Is there any way?
We need your feedback.
seonho Cha: Do you have plan of using any specific implementation like Modbus ? Please review existing post which might be helpful
Connecting Modbus Device through serial to TCP server
Thank you
I am sorry to have repeatedly raised the same question repeatedly.
We are also considering using the server.
Currently, we are considering creating a remote Thing in a C socket client to exchange values.
The SteamSensor example will display an error.
I simply want to create a remote thing with the C SDK and give it a certain value [time].
What should I do?
Many header files in the C SDK create these issues.
How to include headers is also immature.
I would appreciate your help.
There are many products out there which will do this for you. We have built many applications using Option's Cloudgate with a telematics card expansion board, works very well.
Thank you.
We are now considering how to use the C SDK without using firmware.
Could you give me some advice on how to create Remote Thing through the C SDK?
SteamSensor generates an error saying that too many headers should be included.
It talks about errors such as C1083 or LNK2019.
I would appreciate your help.
if using KEPServerEx occur additional cost
customer already using c socket client
so i want to bind to Thinworx through a C SDK
I really want to create a simple Thing, define and update properties.
I do not think I need all header files in the C SDK.