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how to apply state formatting to label chart or any other chart??


how to apply state formatting to label chart or any other chart??


         I want to apply below state formatting to label chart .Please suggest how do I apply state formatting??? and please refer below attachment 

Thanks in advance


Accepted Solutions

Thanks for providing some details on your use case.


There is no out-of-the-box functionality in ThingWorx to display colored areas in the background depending on the value of the Y Axis. However, you can apply state-formatting to Label Charts using the Markers ChartType (or Line/Markers, Area/Markers) as shown in the attached screenshot Markers_StateFormatting.jpg.


You could possibly dedicate a certain number of series (= number of colors you want to display) displayed as Areas and then add a Line type series on top as shown in attached screenshot Areas+Line.jpg. This is not what the widget's multi-series functionality is originally intended for and this does involve the creation of Chart data especially for the formatting so I will let you decide if this is something worth implementing.


Another "cleaner" possibility would be to create a custom widget for this : Creating Customized ThingWorx Widgets.

View solution in original post


Hi @RM12,


Please find attached some entities that can be imported into ThingWorx 8.5 or later and that contain a Mashup with a Label Chart using State-Formatting. At runtime you will see that all values below 5 are displayed in green and all above 5 in red.


Thanks for your reply ,at runtime I will display my  data with multiple colors .I want to display legends as well in dashboard, I have one property name as "Heart Rate"  according to heart rate show legends as below condition :

1) less than or equals to 90 --Blue color

2) greater than 90 or less than 110 --green color

3) greater than 110 or less than 120  -- Yellow

4) greater than 120 --Red 

please refer the below attachments and suggest how to display legends according to above condition ???


Thanks for providing some details on your use case.


There is no out-of-the-box functionality in ThingWorx to display colored areas in the background depending on the value of the Y Axis. However, you can apply state-formatting to Label Charts using the Markers ChartType (or Line/Markers, Area/Markers) as shown in the attached screenshot Markers_StateFormatting.jpg.


You could possibly dedicate a certain number of series (= number of colors you want to display) displayed as Areas and then add a Line type series on top as shown in attached screenshot Areas+Line.jpg. This is not what the widget's multi-series functionality is originally intended for and this does involve the creation of Chart data especially for the formatting so I will let you decide if this is something worth implementing.


Another "cleaner" possibility would be to create a custom widget for this : Creating Customized ThingWorx Widgets.


Hi @RM12 


If the previous response answered your question, please mark it as the Accepted Solution for the benefit of others with the same question.



Toolika Dixit

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