Hi, I am sorry if this sounds like a very simple question. I am new to Thingworx and I couldn't find any information in Google.
My situation is as follows:
I have already set up Thingworx and Kepware to read in external sensor data -- For e.g. if a push button is pressed, the "Value" on my Thingworx mashup will show "True", otherwise it will show "False".
My next task is:
Every time the push button is pressed (or equivalently, whenever value changes from False to True), I would like to increment a "Count".
I would appreciate any help from you, or any advice on where to refer to for an answer.
Thank you very much!
Best wishes
You can subscribe the DataChange-Event for your "value"-property. Everytime "value" is changed you can check if "value" is true increase "count".
Hi David,
Thank you so much for your fast reply! I will give it a try as soon as possible.
Best wishes