we have trying to copy file from device (remote thing ) to repository. while initiating copy service, we are able to initiate the COPY service in FileTransferSubsystem. But ,we are getting "File transfer -- event message ..........Not authorized for ServiceInvoke on StartFileTransfer in AG_FieldAsset_12345600000000" . while initiating copy service we getting event message as "Transfer request accepted".and in subscription we are getting event message as "Not authorized for ServiceInvoke on StartFileTransfer in AG_FieldAsset_12345600000000".
can any one help ...
Have you checked the permissions?
In fileTransfer subsystem we set as system permission.
Device able to hit thingworx service .issue is happen only, whenever the thingworx try to initiate "COPY" service file transfer event is thrown error as "File transfer -- event message ..........Not authorized for ServiceInvoke on StartFileTransfer in AG_FieldAsset_12345600000000". refer the attachment .
Is there any "StartFileTransfer " service present in thingworx?
did you ever get a resolution to this issue? I'm having the same issue myself. It looks to me like the System User should have permission to run the services on the remote thing, but fails in the way you describe above. I also have the issue where I can see support documentation relating to the StartFileTransfer service API, but can't see the service via the composer.