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I'm using a navigation button to navigate to another mashup with 2 types of parmeter
- one type number
- one type location
I have no problem to get the number in the new mashup but not the location (to test I pass it to a GooglePicker widget)
I noticed a strange URL for location parameter, I don't know if my problem is linked :
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Hi, I tried and had the same problem, the location from the tooltip mashup is not passed to the new mashup and the URL appears as you said.
About the navigation widget, when I set the property TargetWindow to something else than "New", as Replace / Popup / Modal Popup / Full screen, it works !
It's a bug I think.
Could you please provide the details or your mashup entity to demonstrate your bindings/logic?
Have you tried passing through session variable (just as an alternative solution, if the mashup parameter problem confirms to be a bug - it needs to be fixed).
I have just confirmed that my parameters with location type are also passing properly via a regular mashup parameter method.
thanks a lot for your time and tests.
Do you have also a "strange" URL in your mashup URL for location parameter (but I think you tested with a popup so you cannot see) ?
My logic is in 3 steps and 3 mashups and perhaps it can create the issue
1/ I have a first mashup with a google map widget in which I put my things (markers) using GetImplementingThingsWithData
2/ this widget has a popup (tooltip) mashup when I put the mouse on a marker with some parameters (including the ThingName) and in this popup (tooltip) mashup I have a navigation button to open a new mashup (meteo) as a new page. I get the location with GetProperties under a DynamicThingTemplate (and I fill some other widgets correctly with this method)
3/ This new mashup as a location as parameter and a value; value is OK, location not ....
Hope it is clear (this is a 3 steps tests with mashup parameters transmitted each time)
I sent you a direct message.
Sorry not easy to explain with words.... I'll put some images ;-)
yes from the tooltip mashup I want to open a third mashup (in a new window) using a navigation button ("météo") with the location as parameter :
(the google location picker is to test)
when I open it I do not get the location in a widget despite I can see the location in the URL (and I cannot use this location into the mashup associated services)
I can get the value (=15.7)
I'm still unable to reproduce. Please see the entities attached. I hardcoded the property value for the thing, just fyi.
testlocation3 is the main mashup with the googlemap. navigationmashup is the tooltip mashup. destination is the last mashup.
Thanks Polina,
I'll look at you exemple.
As you successed to transfer location parameter to 3 level of mashups I should have something wrong somewhere.
Also I'll study "session variables" I have not used up it to now (the tool is soo rich ;-) )
Let me know if you have any more questions.
Here are a couple of useful articles:
I tried to import your example but I have following error :
"Error importing: error, Import Failed: Thing Thing1 has an invalid thing template [TestThing]"
Perhaps because you are in 7.4 and I'm in 7.3 or one Template is not in the zip ?
Hi Polina, I created a generic ThingTemplate TestThing to import the entities. The mashup "destination" still uses the session parameter and bind it to the Location Picker.
hello Quang-Dung Ngo
You mean I need to used a session variable to transmit the location between the mashups instead of using mashup parameters ?
(I have studied the technical notes recommanded by Polina Osipova and it seems not too complicate to implement)
You can pass location by mashup parameter but it doesn't work with Navigation widget "Target window: New". If it's a bug, then using the session parameter is an alternative solution.
Hi, I tried and had the same problem, the location from the tooltip mashup is not passed to the new mashup and the URL appears as you said.
About the navigation widget, when I set the property TargetWindow to something else than "New", as Replace / Popup / Modal Popup / Full screen, it works !
It's a bug I think.
The same for me
it works fine with "popup" for example (the location parameter is transfered to the new mashup and services are well executed)
I'll use that by waiting as it is simple (and it makes the job)
I guess Polina will open the bug report in the tracker or should I open it ?
Could you please provide your versions of thingworx, java, tomcat? Have you reviewed the entities I have attached? Perhaps I am missing something, but with the "new" target page from a tooltip mashup, my locations gets passed.
ThingWorx 7.3.2-b42
java -version>
java version "1.8.0_111"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)
for your entities ;
I tried to import your example but I have following error :
"Error importing: error, Import Failed: Thing Thing1 has an invalid thing template [TestThing]"
Perhaps because you are in 7.4 and I'm in 7.3 or one Template is not in the zip ?
No, it's because I hurried and forgot to attach a template I used (which I actually didn't need to use at all). I'm reattaching here. However, I was able to reproduce the issue in 7.3.2 and I created a Jira, PSPT-3535. Thanks for finding this!
I was able to reproduce the issue in 7.3.2
you mean it is Ok in 7.4 ?
For the session variables, to sum it up - you can create a ThingShape with all needed properties added to it, then go to the UserManagementSubsystem and add the ThingShape in the configuration tab. Then in your mashups, you can click on the "session" tab and bind the variables. It will carry on through the mashups.
nice feature to know !